Las Vegas Review-Journal

Mixed post-breakup signals confuse man

- DEAR ABBY JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: What is acceptable after a breakup occurs? Several years ago, I reached out to an ex-girlfriend. We had dated for six months, but she broke up with me to take a job in another state. A year later, I heard through mutual friends that she had recently moved back. I sent an email asking how she was doing and if she’d like to talk.

She threatened to get a restrainin­g order and told many of our mutual friends that I had been stalking her for a year. From that I learned never to contact an ex-girlfriend if they initiate the breakup.

Fast-forward: I recently ran into another ex-girlfriend who initiated the breakup. She told me that for an entire year after that breakup she hoped I would call her. Abby, I feel like I can’t win. It’s similar to how some women say they won’t let a guy kiss them unless they ask first, and others say if a guy asks, he’s a wimp and they would refuse. Help! — Confounded in Oregon

DEAR CONFOUNDED: If the only contact you had with that first ex-girlfriend was one email after her return to your city, then she was either grandstand­ing to get attention or it was a symptom of emotional instabilit­y. As to your second ex, men with self-esteem rarely call back after being rejected.

Please don’t let those two sour you on all women. As you know, the #Metoo movement has highlighte­d the importance of consent. Asking a woman before you make a move is always prudent.

DEAR ABBY: I have struggled with my weight for years. My husband doesn’t eat sweets, but we have a friend who insists on dropping off trays of dozens of cupcakes, candies, cookies, etc. I appreciate the time, money and effort, but I’m finally on an eating program that’s working for me. I told her (nicely) that while I appreciate her gesture, I can’t be trusted alone with such goodies. She swore at me and told me to lose her number.

I was as gentle and appreciati­ve as could be. Was I wrong? What gives? I would donate them, but since I have a problem with sweets, I prefer not to have them in my house. — Sweet Love/ Hate in New Jersey

DEAR SWEET: You did nothing wrong; you did yourself an important favor. That woman is not only not a friend, but she is also someone who cares nothing about your health and well-being. She is a “saboteur” with a vested interest in keeping you heavy.

I admire your determinat­ion to take a stand on behalf of your eating program and your health. It took courage, and I applaud you for doing it.

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