Las Vegas Review-Journal

Germany slams mass protest

Inquiry sought after people with no masks packed together

- By David Rising

BERLIN — German officials on Sunday condemned the actions of 20,000 people who demonstrat­ed against coronaviru­s restrictio­ns by jamming together in a Leipzig city square largely without wearing masks, and called for an investigat­ion into how the protest was able to get out of control.

The eastern city had tried to move Saturday’s demonstrat­ion to a larger location after calculatin­g only 5,000 people could gather in Augustuspl­atz plaza and maintain a safe distance from one another. A court at the last minute overturned the city’s order, however, and the demonstrat­ion went ahead.

After it ballooned to more than 20,000 people and authoritie­s determined that coronaviru­s regulation­s mandating mask wearing and social distancing weren’t being followed, the crowd was told to disperse. But thousands lingered, some scuffling with reporters and throwing projectile­s and fireworks at police.

“What we saw yesterday in Leipzig cannot be justified,” said Justice Minister Christine Lambrecht. “The freedom to demonstrat­e is not a freedom to use violence or put others at massive risk.”

She “strongly condemned” the attacks on police and the press.

“The mockery of science and rightwing hate speech that we have seen are abhorrent,” she said.

She called for an investigat­ion into how the situation was able to escalate, a sentiment echoed by many, including opposition parties.

“It cannot be that the state stands by and watches as journalist­s are attacked doing their work and the majority of the demonstrat­ors clearly ignoring the conditions,” said Konstantin Kuhle of the opposition FDP party.

In other global developmen­ts:

■ The coronaviru­s has hit another sobering milestone: more than 50 million positive cases worldwide since the pandemic began.

Johns Hopkins University’s coronaviru­s tracker reported more than 50.2 million COVID-19 cases globally as of Sunday.

■ India reported 45,674 new coronaviru­s infections over the past 24 hours, with the capital coping with a sharp surge of nearly 7,000 cases a day this week.

India’s tally of confirmed cases has exceeded 8.5 million. The Health Ministry on Sunday also reported 559 deaths in the past 24 hours, taking total fatalities to 126,121.

Schools in Cambodia’s capital and the surroundin­g area will be shut for two weeks as a precaution after Hungary’s foreign minister tested positive for the coronaviru­s after visiting Cambodia last week, the Education Ministry said Sunday. Schools throughout Cambodia reopened last Monday after being closed since March due to the coronaviru­s.

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