Las Vegas Review-Journal

Biden presidency will lower our blood pressure

- Eugene Robinson Eugene Robinson is a columnist for The Washington Post.

You know what’s truly remarkable and promising about the incoming Biden-harris administra­tion? It’s so normal. Soothingly normal. Reassuring­ly normal. Lowering-everybody’s-blood-pressure normal. And after Inaugurati­on Day, we have reason to hope, even boringly normal for days or weeks at a time.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe President-elect Joe Biden has the potential to be an enormously consequent­ial president, if only because the massive challenges he faces — the still-raging COVID-19 pandemic, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the long-overdue reckoning with systemic racism, the need for bold and immediate action on climate change — create the opportunit­y for transforma­tive change.

And I believe Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will play a groundbrea­king role as Biden’s partner, pushing an administra­tion whose principals have such long experience in Washington to look toward the future rather than the past.

But just look at Biden’s nominees thus far. Republican­s, under pressure from the party base to demonstrat­e some performati­ve resistance to the new team, thus far have found only two appointmen­ts to even feign concern about.

They complain that Neera Tanden, named to head the Office of Management and Budget, has a history of posting mean tweets, including about GOP senators. Wait until someone shows them what President Donald Trump has tweeted about colleagues such as Sen. Mitt Romney and, recently, even Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell.

And they warn that Lloyd Austin, a retired general, will need a waiver to be confirmed as secretary of defense. But they know they will be hard-pressed to explain why the first African American named to lead the Pentagon should be denied a waiver identical to the one given to Jim Mattis four years ago.

Whether he leaves voluntaril­y or is dragged from the premises kicking and screaming, Trump will vacate the White House no later than Jan. 20 at noon. At that point, the insanity level of our nation’s public life will settle back to within its usual range.

And yet, nobody is complainin­g that Tanden, Austin or any of Biden’s other nominees are less than eminently qualified to do the jobs Biden proposes to give them. Janet Yellen, Biden’s pick for Treasury secretary, has already run the Federal Reserve. Linda Thomas-greenfield is literally one of the nation’s most experience­d diplomats. Biden tapped her as ambassador to the United Nations. And he chose Tom Vilsack — for heaven’s sake, a man who has already spent so much time as secretary of agricultur­e that they should really think about naming the headquarte­rs building after him — to do the job again.

Biden’s agenda is progressiv­e, but most of the nominees he’s announced lean toward the party’s moderate wing. That should be no surprise: after all, so does Biden. There will be conflict, sometimes pitched, between center-left and further-left within the Democratic Party, both in Congress and at the White House. But that’s familiar; it’s how Democrats always are, and probably always will be. It’s normal.

Biden’s team shares an aversion to public histrionic­s. Pete Buttigieg describing Chicago’s O’hare Airport as “romantic” is the most controvers­ial thing any of them have said — and yes, I include incoming White House deputy chief of staff Jen O’malley Dillon’s colorful descriptio­n of congressio­nal Republican­s in that calculatio­n.

It’s hard to remember after living with Trump’s madness for four years, but filling the Cabinet with experience and competence is the way things are supposed to work. Presidents don’t put U.S. foreign policy in the hands of an oil-company executive who never before worked in government or diplomacy. They don’t choose a defense secretary because they are under the impression that his nickname is “Mad Dog.”

Think about it. Whether he leaves voluntaril­y or is dragged from the premises kicking and screaming, Trump will vacate the White House no later than Jan. 20 at noon. At that point, the insanity level of our nation’s public life will settle back to within its usual range.

Incoming White House press secretary Jen Psaki will not begin her tenure by haranguing the press corps with laughably false claims about the size of Biden’s inaugural crowds. When she gives briefings, she will surely spin facts to paint the Biden administra­tion in the best light, but she won’t invent “alternativ­e facts,” more accurately described as baldfaced lies.

When Biden holds his first Cabinet meeting, attendees will not be required to abase themselves with over-the-top praise for their Dear Leader. When the new president’s national security team briefs him on looming threats, Biden will actually pay attention.

And the nation’s agenda will not be set by Fox News hosts. Or MSNBC hosts, for that matter. If there are presidenti­al tweets, they will be few — and sane. Doomscroll­ing will be a thing of the past.

There will be times when we can go a whole day, even a whole week, without thinking about what the president is saying or doing. It may be an adjustment. But normality is way underrated.

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Former Vice President Joe Biden hugs a supporter during a campaign rally Feb. 9 in Hudson, N.H.
MARY ALTAFFER / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Former Vice President Joe Biden hugs a supporter during a campaign rally Feb. 9 in Hudson, N.H.

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