Las Vegas Review-Journal

Stop trying to please abusive parent

- JUDITH MARTIN MISS MANNERS Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: Mom is a profession­al complainer. It is not that nothing is ever good enough; that would be easy. Everything is unbearably horrible.

If I cook for her during visits, the food is inedible, and we are too cheap to take her out. (I am a profession­al pastry chef. I know how to cook.)

If we take her out, we can’t choose a decent restaurant and are too lazy to cook. She is deeply offended, and the whole restaurant knows it.

Every gift we buy her is the stupidest thing she has ever seen, and we should have given her cash. But if we do give her cash, it’s never enough. We owe her more.

We once gave her a vacation to a place that is all about her main interest, and spent way more money on it than we could comfortabl­y afford.

She hated it, and reminds me of that fact every gift-giving occasion.

We all want to tell her to just stay home, but she is getting up there in years and is not in great health. Can this situation be better managed, or do we all need to try to ignore it?

GENTLE READER: Being an active sort, Miss Manners likes to fix problems. But she acknowledg­es that some situations cannot be fixed; they can only be, as you say, managed.

What is to be done after you have exhausted hope of correcting a relative’s ongoing bad behavior but before you conclude that the behavior is intolerabl­e — and that therefore the relationsh­ip must be severed?

You must do what you can to mitigate the damage to others. You may be adult enough to ignore your mother’s outbursts, but it will be harder for young children. Perhaps they can be away on a playdate for some occasions.

As you are not going to please her — with gifts or menus — make choices that satisfy your own standards, and let that suffice.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: What is the proper way for a toddler to address a step-grandparen­t? There are already two sets of living grandparen­ts, and the parents don’t want step-grandparen­ts to be called “grandma/pa.” And who makes that decision, the parents or the grandparen­ts?

GENTLE READER: How one wishes to be addressed is up to the person being addressed — within reason. Miss Manners adds the caveat because not all reasons are equal.

That leaves this decision to the second husbands and wives — with the warning that, if they value family harmony, they will not adopt titles they have not earned.

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