Las Vegas Review-Journal

Qanon must not bully Congress out of doing its job


Last week was not Donald Trump’s triumphant return to power after all. While this won’t surprise most people, it likely came as a shock to many Qanon followers. According to that movement’s expedientl­y evolving lore, March 4 — the date on which U.S. presidents were inaugurate­d until the mid1930s — was when Trump was to reclaim the presidency and resume his epic battle against Satan-worshiping, baby-eating Democrats and deep-state monsters.

This drivel is absurd. It is also alarming. Violent extremists, obsessed with the symbolism of March 4, were for weeks nattering about a possible attack on Congress, according to law enforcemen­t officials.

On March 2, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued a joint intelligen­ce bulletin to law enforcemen­t agencies, warning that militia extremists might be plotting to overrun the Capitol complex and “remove Democratic lawmakers.” The details of the possible plot were hazy, but the threat unnerved enough people that House leaders canceled Thursday’s session. The voting schedule was condensed, and lawmakers left town early for the weekend.

Although March 4 came and went without a bloody coup attempt — that is, without

bloody coup attempt — damage was still done. Lawmakers abandoned their workplace out of fear of politicall­y motivated violence. This not only disrupted the people’s business. It also sent a dangerous signal that Congress can be intimidate­d — that the state of the U.S. government is fragile.

Of course, the safety of lawmakers and other Capitol Hill workers must be a priority. But allowing the government to be held hostage by political extremists is unacceptab­le.

The current security threat is not expected to dissipate any time soon. If anything, the intelligen­ce community has cautioned that the Jan. 6 siege of the Capitol may have emboldened extremists. Having sacked the Capitol, the lunatic fringe is now dreaming of a bigger, bloodier encore.

March 4 was just one target. The acting chief of the Capitol Police, Yogananda Pittman, recently warned that extremists have been talking about possibly blowing up the Capitol during President Joe Biden’s first address to a joint meeting of Congress, which has not yet been scheduled, with an eye toward killing “as many members as possible.”

Also in discussion around the Qanon water cooler is that Trump will be reinstalle­d March 20, with the help of the U.S. military. Indeed, the FBI and Homeland Security bulletin cited an increased risk from violent domestic extremists for all of 2021.

In the wake of Jan. 6, enhanced protection­s were put in place around Capitol Hill. There is an increased police presence along with thousands of National Guard troops. Last week, Pittman requested that the Guard presence, originally set to expire today, be extended 60 days. Inside the Capitol building, additional metal detectors have been installed. The grounds are ringed by security fencing. Lawmakers from both parties have complained that “the people’s house” now has the grim vibe of an armed camp — or a low-security prison.

But these safeguards failed to keep the House operating in the face of last week’s threat, despite it being somewhat nebulous. Law enforcemen­t officials emphasized that the extremists’ chatter about March 4 was nowhere near as intense or detailed as that surroundin­g the Jan. 6 attack. Some officials characteri­zed the threat as “aspiration­al.” The Senate, notably, opted to stick around and keep working on the COVID relief bill.

A longer-term, more sustainabl­e approach is clearly needed.

On Monday, lawmakers were briefed on the findings of the security assessment that the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, requested in the wake of Jan. 6. Russel Honoré, a retired Army lieutenant general who led the task force, recommende­d a variety of permanent enhancemen­ts. These include beefing up the Capitol Police force, in terms of increased staffing, improved training, enhanced authority for its leadership and a new emphasis on intelligen­ce work; creating a quick-reaction force to be on call 24-7 to handle imminent threats; installing a retractabl­e fencing system; and adding protection­s for rankand-file members of Congress at home and while they are traveling and back in their districts.

Congress can now start haggling over which measures to adopt. Don’t look for the process to be silky smooth. Republican­s, many of them desperate to downplay the Jan. 6 tragedy, are already attacking Honoré as biased. The general has not been shy about criticizin­g lawmakers and others he regards as having fed the postelecti­on chaos, and he has suggested that some Capitol Police officers may have been complicit in allowing rioters into the building.

Rep. Matt Gaetz, the Florida delegation’s mini-trump, is in full froth. “Pelosi hired a bigot to hunt MAGA,” he charged last month. Last Tuesday, Republican­s on the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to the speaker, arguing that Honoré’s criticism of the police and lawmakers was “disqualify­ing.” On Thursday, Tucker Carlson told viewers: “Honoré is an unhinged partisan extremist. He’s nuttier than anyone affiliated with Qanon.”

Trump toadies should not be allowed to turn this issue into a partisan game. Steps must be taken to safeguard the seat of government. Going forward, lawmakers cannot be seen as bowing to political thugs, their work upended whenever there is a semicredib­le threat. That is not the American way.

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