Las Vegas Review-Journal

We need a reality-based GOP, not Kook Caucus

- Michelle Cottle Michelle Cottle is a columnist for The New York Times.

Brace yourself, America. Next year’s midterms have the potential to stock the Republican Party at all levels with rabble-rousers that make the Gingrich revolution­aries of 1994 and the Tea Partiers of 2010 look like RINO squishes.

Call it the Kook Caucus.

Elections tend to reflect the political zeitgeist. Some coalesce around a hot policy topic: health care, immigratio­n, jobs, crime. Others are fueled by bigger, broader themes: reforming democracy, reining in Big Government, healing partisan divisions, reviving the American dream.

But under Donald Trump, the Republican Party set aside policy and principles to become a cult of personalit­y. The driving concern of today’s candidates, with precious few exceptions, is to stay in the good graces of their exiled but still dangerous and vindictive leader. This requires embracing the fiction that the election was stolen from Trump and that MAGA loyalists are duty-bound to fight to right this wrong.

That lie has spread like a rash across the Republican base, with a big boost from the conservati­ve media. Half to two-thirds of the party’s voters believe that Joe Biden’s win was illegitima­te. Over half believe that election audits will “probably” or “definitely” reverse the outcome, according to a Morning Consult poll from mid-june. (Spoiler alert: They won’t.) And a poll from early June found that 29% of Republican­s consider it at least somewhat likely that Trump will be reinstated as president this year. (Not. Gonna. Happen.)

Republican leaders are expected, at minimum, to play along with this toxic rubbish. Those who don’t are courting electoral grief. Big Lie promoters are leaping into races at all levels — from state legislator to governor, state attorney general to the U.S. Senate — and making the 2020 fraud myth Topic A.

“Of the nearly 700 Republican­s who have filed initial paperwork with the Federal Election Commission to run next year for either the U.S. Senate or the House of Representa­tives, at least a third have embraced Trump’s false claims about his defeat,” according to The Washington Post. This includes 136 incumbents who voted against certifying the election results on Jan. 6.

Incumbents, insurgents, swing districts, safe districts — there is no escape. “Election integrity” has become the magic catchphras­e for Republican­s looking to juice the MAGA faithful.

It’s not just those who have clashed one-on-one with Trump being targeted, such as Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming or Brad Raffensper­ger, Georgia’s secretary of state. (Though it bears noting that at least a half-dozen challenger­s are aiming to unseat Cheney for what they see as her betrayal of Trump.) Sen. James Lankford, a solid Oklahoma conservati­ve and Baptist minister, is being challenged by Jackson Lahmeyer, a Tulsa pastor outraged that, following the Capitol sacking, Lankford opted not to oppose the 2020 outcome.

“I saw fear all over him on Jan. 6,” Lahmeyer charged. “He caved in like an absolute coward, and that let me know he is not the man to represent our state in the fight our country is in right now.”

More humiliatin­g: Lahmeyer is being personally supported by the head of the Oklahoma Republican Party, John Bennett, who also regards Lankford as weak on 2020. A state party chair working against one of his own incumbents, Lankford has noted, is an uncommon — and unsettling — developmen­t.

The early tremors of this election trend are already being felt. Last month, a longtime Republican member of the Virginia House of Delegates was unseated in his primary by a political newbie who had worked on the failed Trump legal effort to overturn the election results in Wisconsin.

“He wasn’t doing anything — squat, diddly,” the challenger, Wren Williams, told The Washington Post. “He wasn’t taking election integrity seriously. I’m sitting here fighting for election integrity in the courts, and he’s my elected representa­tive who can legislate and he’s not.”

Steve Bannon, the former Trump strategist, has declared 2020 denialism a “litmus test” for Republican office seekers. “There will not be a Republican that wins a primary for 2022 — not one — that doesn’t take the pledge to get to the bottom of Nov. 3,” he predicted to NBC in May.

Certainly, not all the Kook Caucus aspirants will triumph — especially in purplish districts. But every advance they make is a loss, not only for their constituen­ts but for the nation.

Ominously, this election cycle is not about moving the Republican Party in a more conservati­ve or more moderate direction or about reshaping its policy views. It is about packing the party with conspiracy theorists and liars and people itching to advance Trump’s belligeren­t, apocalypti­c, reality-resistant brand of politics. Some three dozen Qanon-friendly Republican congressio­nal candidates are in the mix, according to Media Matters’ latest count.

Already, there are far too many Republican officials willing, either cynically or genuinely, to advance Trump’s Big Lie. An election that installs more of them could easily turn the acute reality crisis of the past few months into a lingering condition.

A healthy democracy requires a functional, stable, sane opposition party. Right now, the Republican bandwagon appears to be speeding in precisely the opposite direction.

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