Las Vegas Review-Journal

New mom doesn’t need in-laws opinions


DEAR ABBY: I’m married to a wonderful husband and I am a new mom to an 11-week-old beautiful baby boy. I am fortunate to have 12 weeks of maternity leave, after which my baby will be starting day care. This decision was very difficult, but necessary. I enjoy my career, and my husband has a good career as well. My parents still work full time, and his parents are too old (in my opinion) to safely watch their grandbaby while also keeping him engaged.

My mother-in-law, “Ella,” is sometimes very rude, and we have never seen eye to eye. Four days ago, my inlaws and other family came to visit the baby. When the topic of day care came up, Ella said, “Babies in day care cry and no one picks them up.” She also said, “He’s going to be sick and miserable all the time.”

Abby, I am furious about her comments. I know she said it because she’s mad she’s not going to be watching him. She has made nasty comments in the past about other stuff, which I always let go.

I told my husband he needs to stick up for me and tell her she needs to cut it out, but he wants me to ignore her as he has his entire life. I told him either he or we need to tell her we will no longer tolerate her nasty remarks or she’s no longer seeing her grandson.

Am I being too extreme by not allowing Ella to see her grandson? — Day Care Mom in Pennsylvan­ia

DEAR DAY CARE MOM: While I sympathize with your predicamen­t, it occurs to me that your dislike of her is coloring your thinking in this instance. Rather than take it out on your husband, develop a thicker skin where Ella is concerned. Of course she should be allowed to visit her grandchild. Remember above all, YOU are the mother and YOU get to make the decisions about your son’s care.

DEAR ABBY: I need help!

I don’t know how to tell my wife of 21 years that her breath smells awful. I really miss our passionate kissing. I just can’t get past the smell of her breath. How can I tell her without hurting her feelings? — At Arm’s Length in Louisiana

DEAR AT ARM’S LENGTH: For the sake of your marriage, speak up. Telling someone their breath is “strong” should not cause embarrassm­ent. (I would certainly want to know!) There can be more than one reason for halitosis. Could it be her diet? Is she drinking enough water? Does she need to make an appointmen­t with her dentist for a checkup? If none of those things helps, she should consult her physician to make sure her bad breath isn’t a symptom of something serious.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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