Las Vegas Review-Journal

The fight for voting rights goes on

- Karen Hobert Flynn Karen Hobert Flynn is the president of Common Cause, which since 1970, has been holding power accountabl­e through lobbying, litigation, and grassroots organizing. She wrote this for Insidesour­

The fight for voting rights goes on, even though every Senate Republican, joined by Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona, tried to shut it down Jan. 19. They refused to adjust a Senate rule best known for obstructin­g civil rights legislatio­n. The filibuster rule — requiring 60 votes to advance most legislatio­n if any senator objects — has been modified or waived more than 160 times in recent decades. Just in December, an exception was granted for legislatio­n dealing with the debt ceiling, with the support of Manchin, Sinema and some Republican­s. Yet somehow they decided voting rights were not important enough to warrant any adjustment­s to the rule.

The work to bolster democracy and the freedom to vote must continue as many GOP legislator­s across the country pass a new generation of Jim Crow laws to make it harder for many Americans to vote — particular­ly in Black, brown and Indigenous communitie­s. Last year’s voter suppressio­n push saw 19 states enact 34 restrictiv­e voting laws. Already this year, 382 bills have been introduced that would restrict voter access or election administra­tion. Among other things, these bills could lead to purges of eligible voters, cut back on early voting and no-excuse mail voting, and lead to sham post-election reviews of results. Hearings for these bills are underway now.

The fact remains that despite Senate obstructio­n, public polling showed the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancemen­t Act — to create fair national standards for how federal elections are conducted and to repair and strengthen the Voting Rights Act — have broad bipartisan support among Americans, including large numbers of Democratic, Republican and independen­t voters.

That’s why there was an outpouring of grassroots support for this legislatio­n. Americans organized and attended protests and community events, talked to their friends, neighbors and family, and did so much more. They called and emailed their legislator­s, drafting scores of letters to the editor. They put it all on the line — and our democracy is the better for it.

We must not overlook the historic strides we made in recent months. The House passed voting rights legislatio­n three times this Congress. When the legislatio­n came up in the Senate, the bills had at least 50 supporters and the vice president’s tie-breaking endorsemen­t.

All of us have an important role to play in what happens next. We know that significan­t federal legislatio­n often takes a winding path before Congress passes transforma­tive reforms, but we are not giving up the fight. We will look toward must-pass bills and other mechanisms to ensure a Congressio­nal response stays on the agenda, leaving no stone unturned.

We must continue our fight on the state and local level because that is where the action is happening every day. We will battle against racial and partisan gerrymande­ring that politician­s utilize to cherry-pick their voters instead of having voters choose their politician­s. We will work to defeat bills that legislator­s introduce to try to hand-pick who can vote in our elections and who cannot. We will beat back election sabotage bills that seek to empower partisan officials with the authority to overturn elections, conduct sham reviews, and intimidate nonpartisa­n election administra­tors for doing their jobs. And even where laws have already passed, we will work to help every voter cast their ballot.

In 2022, Common Cause will field our largest and most comprehens­ive nonpartisa­n Election Protection program to date. We will begin by combating disinforma­tion on social media and implementi­ng a robust education program to inform voters of changes made by the anti-voter bills that passed in 2021 — and those yet to come in 2022. Next, we will train and place volunteers outside of polling places across the country to educate voters about their rights, identify and work to resolve problems that may disrupt voting at the polls, and provide legal support for those who could be disenfranc­hised due to delayed poll openings, harassment and intimidati­ons, or voting equipment failures.

Every American expects and deserves to have a voice in our elections. Each of us is entitled to have an equal say in the future for our family and community, regardless of our political party, our background or where we live.

We are in this for the long haul, though we know it will not be easy.

As the late civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis reminded us: “Never give up, never give in.”

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