Las Vegas Review-Journal

Housesitte­r has been snooping around

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: A close friend takes care of my home when I travel several times a year. It involves picking up my mail, watering my indoor and outside plants and checking through the house. I return the favor for her each time she’s out of town. I don’t have anyone else near where I live who can do this for me.

The problem is, when she’s here, she snoops through my things. I know because I keep things in a certain order, and it’s very noticeable when my belongings have been rearranged. It bothers me because it’s an invasion of my privacy and just plain wrong. I would never think of doing this in her home.

This person has become increasing­ly possessive and clingy to the point that it’s uncomforta­ble. How do I handle this? Do I continue to lock up confidenti­al paperwork and leave everything else for her to snoop through? If I tell her I’m aware of what she’s been doing, I’m afraid she will refuse to help me out any longer. — Traveler in Connecticu­t

DEAR TRAVELER: There are workaround­s for your travel schedule. You could have the post office hold your mail until you return. Living in Connecticu­t, your outdoor plants are likely dormant in the winter. Inquire at your local nursery about wicking devices to ensure your indoor plants are sufficient­ly watered.

Because this “friend” can’t resist pawing through your personal things, ask for your key back if she has one (or change the locks on your doors) and tell her kindly that her help is no longer needed.

DEAR ABBY: I’ve been going to an excellent hairstylis­t for a year and a half. The problem is she doesn’t want me to have color on my hair. She wants me to let my hair go gray. I detest the idea. She keeps insisting it is “so pretty,” and she won’t let it go. During my last visit, she became almost combative about it. She said she had expected me to stop asking for color by now.

She colors her hair a beautiful shade of red. When I asked her about it, she said that “she had the right because she was born with that color.” It is very hard to get a hairstylis­t who knows how to cut my hair. Why do you think this has become such an obsession with her, and what should I do? — Hates the Gray

DEAR HATES: What you should do is take control. It is a hairstylis­t’s or cosmetolog­ist’s job to give the clients what they want, if it’s possible. Tell that nervy woman you do not want her to raise the subject of letting your hair go gray again because, if she does, she will lose you as a client.

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