Las Vegas Review-Journal

Brother brings son to adult gatherings

- JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: My brother has one child, my 12-yearold nephew, “Conner.” Our father was difficult, and neither of us has many happy memories of times we shared with him. Perhaps in response to this, my brother seems incapable of socializin­g without his son.

Many times, he suggests outings to my husband or his friends and then throws in that he’s planning on bringing Conner. We do not want the boy included in what should be adult outings, but we can’t find a way of saying it. If I’m planning something where I think he might invite his son, I preface it with a grownups-only clause.

I can’t discuss it with my sister-in-law because she wouldn’t be tactful in mentioning it to my brother. My brother is very outgoing and socially adept, so it’s not like he needs this 12-yearold crutch. — Frustrated in Nevada


Your brother may not need a social crutch, but from what you have described, the same may not be true of your nephew. Most 12-yearold boys have friends they can socialize with other than Dad. Is that true of Conner, or would he be sitting alone in his room if his father didn’t insert him into so many adult gatherings? Rather than tell your brother or his wife that the boy is unwelcome, it might be more helpful to ask whether Conner has difficulty socializin­g with his peers. If that’s the case, he may need profession­al help.

DEAR ABBY: I have a sister-in-law who constantly one-ups me. Anything I mention, she has to chime in and let everyone present know how much better her trip was, or that she got a better shopping deal, etc.

It has now turned to my grandchild­ren. For example, at a family dinner, if I correct their table manners, she comes back with a smart comment like, “You can leave your elbows on the table” or “It’s OK to eat that with your fingers.” She’s trying to be the “fun aunt.” Recently I barked right back, asking her not to undermine my comments about my grandkids’ behavior. I do not want to harm our otherwise decent relationsh­ip. She occasional­ly babysits my grandkids. Is there something better I can do? — Had It Up to Here in Iowa

DEAR HAD IT: Talk to your sister-in-law and lay down some ground rules. Tell her that as much as you care about her, there are certain parameters it is important that she understand in her interactio­ns with the grandkids. Explain what they are. If “Fun Auntie” cannot respect the boundaries, she should see them less often.

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