Las Vegas Review-Journal

Airstrikes on Gaza resume

Terrorists fire rockets after weeklong truce with Hamas ends

- By Najib Jobain, Jack Jeffery and Julia Frankel

KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip — Israel’s war with Hamas erupted again Friday, as airstrikes hit houses and buildings in the Gaza Strip minutes after a weeklong truce expired.

Terrorists in Gaza resumed firing rockets into Israel, and fighting broke out between Israel and Hezbollah terrorists operating along its northern border with Lebanon.

Renewed hostilitie­s heighten concerns for about 140 hostages still held captive by Hamas and other terrorists, after more than 100 were freed during the truce. The Israeli army said Friday it had confirmed the deaths of four more hostages, bringing the total known dead to seven.

Qatar, which has served as a mediator along with Egypt, said negotiator­s were still trying to reach an agreement on restarting the cease-fire. Israel and Hamas traded blame for ending the truce.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said Friday that Israel “is committed to achieving the goals of the war,” including releasing the hostages and eliminatin­g Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007.

In response to the U.S. calls, the Israeli military released a map dividing the Gaza Strip into hundreds of numbered parcels. It asked residents to learn the number associated with their location in case of an eventual evacuation. It was not immediatel­y clear where Palestinia­ns would go, with no safe areas designated on the map.

Hours into the renewed bombardmen­t, Israel said it had struck more than 200 Hamas targets.

The war began after the Oct. 7 terrorist attack by Hamas and other Palestinia­n terrorists, who killed about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, in southern Israel and took around 240 people captive.

Since the war began, more than 13,300 Palestinia­ns have died, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry, which does not differenti­ate between civilians and combatants.

Return to battle

About an hour before the ceasefire was to expire early Friday, Israel said it intercepte­d a volley of rockets fired from Gaza. Minutes after it expired, the military announced a resumption of combat operations, and strikes soon began.

In leaflets dropped in southern Gaza, Israel urged people to leave homes east of Khan Younis, warning that the southern town was now a “dangerous battle zone.” Other leaflets warned residents of several neighborho­ods in Gaza City in the north to move south.

In Washington, U.S. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said that Israel blocked trucks from crossing into Gaza on Friday but that at the request of the U.S. government, it would allow some aid to enter.

Kirby said the U.S. would continue to push to increase the assistance of aid into Gaza at least up to the level of goods that entered during the pause.

Israel has said it is targeting Hamas operatives and blames civilian casualties on the group, accusing the terrorists of operating in residentia­l neighborho­ods. Israel says 77 of its soldiers have been killed in the ground offensive in northern Gaza. Israel says it has killed thousands of terrorists.

Hamas said it fired volleys of rockets from Gaza toward Israeli cities. White smoke trails could be seen over the Israeli town of Sderot on the border with northern Gaza after Israel’s missile protection systems activated.

In Lebanon, Hezbollah said Friday its fighters fired upon a group of Israeli soldiers along the border, the group’s first attack since the truce went into effect. It was not immediatel­y clear if there were casualties.

Israel said a number of launches from Lebanon targeted military posts near the border, and others were directed toward the town of Kiryat Shmona but were intercepte­d. The military responded with artillery.

Collapsed truce

Netanyahu said Hamas had violated the terms of the truce. “It has not met its obligation to release all of the women hostages today and has launched rockets at Israeli citizens,” he said in a statement.

Hamas blamed Israel, saying in a statement that it had rejected all offers Hamas made to release more hostages and bodies of the dead.

Senior Hamas official Osama Hamdan told The Associated Press in Beirut that Hamas refused to agree to an Israeli list of 10 female hostages to release because they were soldiers seized at military posts.

Hamas was expected to set a higher price for releasing Israeli soldiers and male hostages, and negotiatio­ns for an extension grew tougher with few women and children hostages remaining in Gaza.

 ?? Ariel Schalit The Associated Press ?? Rockets are fired toward Israel from the Gaza Strip, as seen Friday from southern Israel.
Ariel Schalit The Associated Press Rockets are fired toward Israel from the Gaza Strip, as seen Friday from southern Israel.

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