Las Vegas Review-Journal

Don’t lose sleep over chronic fatigue

- Email questions for Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­ly@sharecare. com.

Q: I’m dragging around with no energy these days. I never used to feel this way. What could cause me to be so tired all the time? I am 47 and in pretty good shape. — Kevin G., Milwaukee

A: Chronic fatigue — that’s what being tired all the time is called — is something that 20 percent of folks ages 45 to 86 contend with according to a study in BMJ Public Health — and around 60 percent of those folks haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause.

What we do know is that fatigue can be the symptom of many things, from sleep apnea and insomnia to hormonal changes, depression, stress, drinking too much, being sedentary and obesity.

Certain medication­s such as beta-blockers (for high blood pressure), anticonvul­sants, sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs can also cause daytime weariness. Chronic fatigue is also associated with specific medical conditions such as chronic


fatigue syndrome (duh!), Lyme disease, mononucleo­sis, heart disease/failure, anemia, and respirator­y conditions like COPD.

Ask yourself if there are lifestyle choices that you’re making that are fueling your fatigue. If so, address them yourself by adopting a smart sleep schedule, getting more physical activity daily, improving your nutrition and avoiding excess alcohol.

Q: My 37-year-old cousin had a stroke two months ago. I don’t really understand why she had it at such a young age. And does that mean I’m at increased risk? I am 52. Any info would be welcome. — Greg T., Evansville, Indiana

A: It surprises people to learn that about 15 percent of ischemic strokes happen to young adults and adolescent­s and that in any given year, around 34 percent of people hospitaliz­ed for a stroke can be younger than 65.

There are three types of strokes: Ischemic stroke happens when blood flow to the brain becomes blocked and accounts for around 87 percent of strokes. A hemorrhagi­c stroke happens when an artery in the brain ruptures. A transient ischemic attack, AKA mini-stroke, occurs because of a temporary blockage of blood flow to the brain.

The most common causes are high blood pressure, high LDL cholestero­l, obesity, diabetes, head or neck trauma, an irregular heartbeat and smoking or vaping. Smoking increases the risk — every five cigarettes you smoke a day increases your stroke risk by 12 percent. In addition, genetic risks for cardiovasc­ular disease may predispose you.

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