Las Vegas Review-Journal

Emotional stumbling blocks prevent good money habits

- By Alana Benson

Whether it’s going to bed before midnight, eating broccoli, or dealing with your finances, doing the “right” thing can sometimes feel like a herculean effort.

Similar to an erratic sleep schedule or an aversion to eating green things, there are consequenc­es to delaying wise financial moves. If you avoid creating a budget, putting your bills on autopay or learning how to invest, your financial life may become more stressful.

But knowing something is good for you isn’t always enough to make you do it. Many people have complicate­d feelings around money, and for good reason. Getting to the bottom of those feelings may be the most effective way to deal with avoidant tendencies.

Uncovering financial beliefs

To get to the root of your financial anxieties, it may be helpful to learn about your “money scripts,” a term that’s a registered trademark of the Financial Psychology Institute. Money scripts are what financial therapists call the unconsciou­s beliefs we hold about money.

Rick Kahler, a certified financial therapist and founder of the Kahler Financial Group in Rapid City, South Dakota, had one client who struggled to save despite being a high-earning profession­al. Through several interviews, Kahler learned that the client’s parents had filed for bankruptcy when she was a child, and she lost her own savings.

“She just knew that all her money that she worked hard to save disappeare­d.

And so the lesson she took away from that was ‘don’t save money, because it will disappear,’” Kahler says.

Georgia Lee Hussey, a certified financial planner and founder of Modernist Financial, a B Corp wealth management firm in Portland, Oregon, says that taking what may seem to be a logical step, such as investing just a small amount, before unearthing your deeper emotions may sometimes do more harm than good.

Tools you can use

While uncovering your money scripts might feel daunting, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you get started. You can take the Klontz Money Script Inventory-revised, which is a free short quiz that helps you identify your dominant money scripts and offers actionable advice. The evaluation is offered by Your Mental Wealth Advisors, a financial adviser firm based in Burlingame, California, that focuses on overall financial health. Hussey’s firm offers a similar reflective experience you can download for free that can help you start a conversati­on about your money history.

Be OK with baby steps

After doing some deep work on your money story, and on how your long-held beliefs came to be, you may be feeling ready to take some small steps toward a better financial future.

A few baby steps you can consider could include moving your money into a high-yield savings account instead of a standard savings account. If you have a 401(k) with an employer match, you could also look into contributi­ng enough to receive that match.

But be ready for those old stories to come up, because even an account type like a 401(k) may become an emotional stumbling block.

“One of my favorites from the Great Recession is,

‘I’m not going to invest in a 401(k) because my uncle lost all of his money in his 401(k),’” Hussey says. “It wasn’t the 401(k) that was the problem. It was your uncle, who in the middle of the night got freaked out and sold everything in his 401(k) at the bottom of the market. That’s actually what was wrong. It was the human making an emotional decision. The 401(k) itself is just a tax wrapper. It has no personalit­y. It doesn’t do things to anybody. So let’s unpack what that story is about.”

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