Las Vegas Review-Journal

Sometimes, a T-shirt is just a T-shirt

- Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com. JUDITH MARTIN


I was leaving the gym when I saw someone wearing a T-shirt that infuriated me. It read, in bold letters, “Eat the Fragile.”

This made my blood boil, particular­ly in today’s climate, as there are so many groups targeted with hateful, inflammato­ry slogans. I thought about the elderly, the disabled, the minority groups that deal with this sort of thing constantly.

I wish I had been forthright enough to comment in some way that might have made this individual think, but I was too angry to speak in a civil manner. What could I have said?

GENTLE READER: Clearly, this T-shirt was an attempt at humor, arguably even satire.

That it did not land with you is understand­able. Miss Manners does not get it, either. But pointing out insensitiv­ity to someone you already believe to be insensitiv­e seems a waste of time.

For the sake of your own blood pressure, Miss Manners urges you not to take so-called humorous shirts at their literal word.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: My 29-year-old, fully independen­t daughter recently told me that she does not wish to hear negative comments from me: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.”

I am the retired senior director of a large multimilli­on-dollar firm with two postgradua­te degrees. I successful­ly managed hundreds of employees over the years and undertook extensive, complaint-free personnel management, staff developmen­t and mentoring.

I have a forthright personalit­y and am used to speaking my mind directly with family, due to years of having to be politicall­y correct in the office. I raised my daughter to be a strong, successful career woman. I am at a loss now that I must be politicall­y correct all the time.

I know you will probably tell me I am in the wrong, but as I am now in my late 60s, I am tired of having to self-censor. My daughter was one of my only “filter-free” outlets.

Do I just suck it up, smile and stop being me? Or do I need to pay a therapist to listen to my invective?

GENTLE READER: Not wanting to be a punching bag for bottled-up negativity, Miss Manners notes, hardly qualifies as censorship.

Perhaps your daughter is so successful because she learned from you how to maintain cordial business relationsh­ips. Now she is doing you one better by recognizin­g that family deserves the same respect, if not — brace yourself — even more.

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