Life & Style Weekly


WEEK OF SEPT. 17 – 23

- By astrologer josephine collins( Ins tag ram :@ josephine collins books)


Aug. 23 - Sept. 22 Its time for the talk." No, not the birds and the bees! As your feelings grow more intense, a "define the relationsh­ip" chat may provide some much-needed clarity on where you stand with your partner.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 22 Cuffing season has officially begun! Unpack your emotional baggage and make room for romance. Your soulmate is out there. Don’t settle for second-best.


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21 This week, a friend may ask you for advice. Though you don’t believe it, you’re a great listener, Scorpio, so when asked to help, trust that your instincts will show you how.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21 It’s nice to have someone who keeps you warm at night, but if heated feelings leave you swinging from one extreme to another, it could be time to take a break. Be clear about what you want.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19 You may be the life of the party, Capricorn, but we all need to Netflix and chill every now and again. Use this time to surround yourself with the cozy comforts of home.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18 Bored with your routine? Hit happy hour with a friend you haven’t seen in a while or take a hike, literally, this weekend and enjoy the change of scenery.


Sticking to a budget may require some serious willpower, but your bank account will thank you later.


March 21 – April 19 You might encounter a few obstacles in the race for success but don’t despair! Perseveran­ce and a positive attitude will give you that extra push you need to cross the finish line.


April 20 – May 20 Everybody’s got an opinion, but yours is the only one that matters when making a big decision. Take a deep breath and listen to your heart.


May 21 – June 21 Saying the right thing at the right time may lead to a lucky break, so be ready to leap when the time comes. Oh, and those dirty dishes? They can wait! Spend that time making memories instead.


June 22 – July 22 Sometimes you need to step back in order to gain a new perspectiv­e. Resolve lingering conflicts, especially if they involve people with powerful opinions.


July 23 – Aug. 22 Feeling restless after traveling? One way to cure an insatiable case of wanderlust is to look up local tours in your city.

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