Life & Style Weekly



It’s finally over...or is it? In late May, Judge John Ouderkirk tentativel­y awarded Brad Pitt joint custody of Pax, 17, Zahara, 16, Shiloh, 14 and twins Vivienne and Knox, 12 — five of the six kids he shares with Angelina Jolie. (Maddox, 19, is a legal adult.) But while the ruling appeared to end a bitter custody battle that’s been raging for five years, Angie vowed to fight it. Recently, the Maleficent star filed a complaint, insisting the judge denied her “a fair trial, improperly excluding her evidence relevant to the children’s health, safety, and welfare.”

Brad, 57, and Angelina, 46, clearly can’t see eye-toeye these days. There was a time, however, when they couldn’t keep their eyes — or their hands — off of each other. The wild love affair that began on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith derailed Brad’s marriage to Jennifer Aniston — and sparked

a headline-making, 12year romance between Brad and Angie. Among the few privy to the clandestin­e early days of their relationsh­ip: Mark Behar. Initially Brad’s bodyguard for the film, Mark was soon watching over both him and Angelina — and, more often than not, delivering naughty messages between the two smitten stars. “You know what it was like? Being in high school and passing notes between friends,” Mark tells Life & Style. “They didn’t want anyone to know.”


Notes weren’t all that was passed, though. As Brad and Angelina’s feelings for each other escalated, Mark says, he found himself delivering “more personal gifts” — some of which made him blush. “Brad one time sent me on a mission,” he recalls, “and was like, ‘If you get caught, I’ll vouch for you. But you need to get me a pair of her lace panties.’” While Mark was understand­ably nervous, he fulfilled his task. “I went to her and said, ‘Look, these aren’t for me, they’re not going on ebay. It’s for if you don’t mind .... ” Angie laughingly complied. “She went to the bathroom, took them off, put them in my hand and said, ‘There you go,’” Mark recalls. “‘Tell Brad I hope he likes them.’”

As the shoot wore on, Mark found himself arranging meetings between the lovestruck pair — and becoming a confidant to Brad. “He did tell me about Jennifer,” Mark reveals. “He told me that their relationsh­ip wasn’t going that great, and [the affair with Angie] was like a tornado came in and swept him away.”

More than 15 years later, Brad is caught in another raging storm of Angelina’s making. While Mark hasn’t worked with the duo since 2006, he says he’s shocked by their custody battle. “Brad is a great dad,” shares his former bodyguard. “I didn’t think it would [go] this far.”

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