Lodi News-Sentinel

Students say city should not cut down London plane trees


Editor: We read that Lodi City Council is planning to cut down the London plane trees at Lawrence Park so that the little oak trees can grow.

The London plane trees are beautiful.

When we walk, run or play under those trees they provide shade from the hot sun. Also, the trees are part of carbon dioxide- oxygen cycle and provide oxygen to breathe. The new oak trees planted in 2010 are too small, so there will not be shade for a long time.

I think the Lodi City Council should use the alternate plan for Lockeford Street and put the bike lane on the other side of the London plane trees. We think the oak trees can be replanted on the south side of Lockeford Street. Please save Lodi’s beautiful trees. OSCAR ARCADIA, YAMIY RAMIREZ, EMILY FLORES-MON-

Advocating for quality health care

Editor: As a volunteer with the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN), one of our goals is to ensure that patient protection­s are considered as part of any changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

It is critical that we advocate for continued access to health care for cancer patients and that the coverage prevents a ban on pre-existing conditions, lifetime and annual caps, maintains access to lifesaving preventati­ve screenings, and guarantees patients can’t be dropped by their insurer if they get sick.

ACS CAN agrees that the ACA needs to be improved to address high out-of-pocket costs and limited insurer choices, and we see an opportunit­y to strengthen and improve the current law. But, remember circumstan­ces can change suddenly. Even though many of us are fortunate enough to have good health care now, we could find ourselves needing quick access to affordable insurance.

For those who are not as fortunate, please help us advocate for their continued access to affordable health care by contacting Representa­tive Jerry McNerney and voicing your opinion opposing any bill that does not keep patient protection­s or doesn’t ensure coverage that is affordable and adequate. DIANNA HUBBARD STEIN Lodi

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