Lodi News-Sentinel

Father’s past a mystery

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearanniec­reators.com.

Dear Annie: I’m wondering whether you can tell me where to turn. I have no idea who I am.

What I mean is that my father’s parents are a mystery. My sister and I were told that our father’s mother (our grandmothe­r) died giving birth to him.

We never knew her name. We have sent money to the Pennsylvan­ia Division of Vital Records, and no record of my father’s birth exists.

We have sent money several times to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh to obtain baptism, first Holy Communion and confirmati­on informatio­n, but that doesn’t exist.

My sister thinks the Catholic Church may be hiding something.

We were told our father’s sister was a nun, so perhaps she is his real mother.

Or perhaps our father was adopted.

We have tried ancestry websites, to no avail. We are now beginning to wonder whether our last name is even accurate! There are television shows that help celebritie­s discover where they came from, but not being celebritie­s, where can we turn?

We would be happy to at least be able to confirm our last name. — Who Am I?

Dear Who: Thanks to direct-to-consumer genetic testing, it’s easier than ever to sleuth out your heritage. With a little saliva and a chunk of change (in the $100 range), you can discover your ancestry, learn about your geographic­al origins and even possibly find living relatives.

One of the most wellknown companies offering these services is 23andMe.

Visit its website for more informatio­n.

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