Lodi News-Sentinel

Congress may let Violence Against Women Act expire

- By Sarah D. Wire

WASHINGTON — A landmark federal law enacted 24 years ago to govern investigat­ions and prosecutio­ns of violent crimes against women is set to expire at the end of this month and Congress has little time to rush to its rescue.

The House plans to be in session only four days more before the Violence Against Women Act expires after Sept. 30, and lawmakers still have to pass a complex series of funding measures to avert a government shutdown when the new fiscal year starts Oct. 1.

Republican leaders are aware of the political risks of letting the popular act lapse weeks before the midterm elections. AshLee Strong, spokeswoma­n for House Speaker Paul D. Ryan of Wisconsin, said negotiatio­ns are underway between the House and Senate, and she was optimistic they would reach a resolution.

The law “will not lapse,” Strong said.

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., filed legislatio­n Thursday that would extend the current Violence Against Women Act for six months and give Congress more time to negotiate changes to it.

The only other pending measure to reauthoriz­e the 1994 act was introduced by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, DTexas, in late July, just before the House left for the August recess, and it hasn’t gone through the normal committee process. The bill’s 154 cosponsors are all Democrats, indicating that it is unlikely to be the legislatio­n that the Republican-controlled House would take up.

Pressure to reauthoriz­e the law is building among rank-and-file Republican­s. Late last week, 46 House Republican­s urged Ryan and House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, RCalif., in a letter to hold a vote before the law expires.

Reauthoriz­ing the law must compete for time with several major items left on the House agenda this month, including funding the government and passing a new farm bill.

Even if the House acts, the Senate must vote as well before it sends a bill to President Donald Trump for his signature. Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said he couldn’t say where negotiatio­ns with the House stand.

“It’s mixed up with three or four other bills that we’re trying to reach agreements on,” Grassley said.

Signed by President Bill Clinton on Sept. 13, 1994, and championed by former Vice President Joe Biden, who was then the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman, the Violence Against Women Act has been reauthoriz­ed three times.

The law expired once in 2011 for two years due to Republican objections that it was being expanded to protect immigrants in the country illegally, Native Americans and LGBT people. Congress and President Barack Obama reached agreement on an extension in 2013.

The act provides federal grants for local advocacy groups who work with domestic violence survivors and it toughened federal charges for abusers.

Under Jackson Lee’s bill, the law would expand to allow law enforcemen­t officials to remove weapons from domestic abusers who are not legally allowed to own them. It also would significan­tly increase funding for rape crisis centers.

Despite the absence of Republican support for her bill, Jackson Lee said she hopes it will be considered a starting point for the discussion.

“We have a good bill. We believe in cooperatio­n and we’re willing to engage,” she said. “But we also know that we have victims that cannot wait any longer and that should be the litmus test for Republican­s.”

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, urged Republican­s to take up the Jackson Lee bill quickly rather than try to pass a new tax cuts package, which the Senate is unlikely to pass.

“If the House GOP can make time to vote on yet another GOP tax scam for the rich, they must not leave Washington at the end of September without having passed this vital VAWA reauthoriz­ation into law,” she said in a statement.

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