Lodi News-Sentinel

Camp Fire could bring 2,000 FEMA trailers to Paradise

- By Dale Kasler

SACRAMENTO — FEMA trailers got such a bad name after Hurricane Katrina that a top federal official swore the agency would never use them again to house disaster survivors.

But the humble trailers never completely disappeare­d — and could play a meaningful role in Paradise’s long and painful recovery from the devastatio­n of the Camp fire.

As many as 2,000 trailers and manufactur­ed homes will be headed to the Paradise region to provide temporary housing for Camp fire evacuees, the Federal Emergency Management Agency said Wednesday.

The trailers won’t all arrive in a dramatic surge. Although the first few Camp fire evacuees might find themselves placed in a FEMA trailer as early as this week, the entire program could take several months to unfold as the federal agency scours the region for appropriat­e sites and determines evacuees’ eligibilit­y.

“I have teams out in the field today,” said Toney Raines, FEMA’s housing task force lead, in a conference call with reporters. “We look at multiple sites every day.”

He said the actual number of trailers brought to the Paradise “could be substantia­lly lower” than 2,000 as evacuees take advantage of other housing-assistance programs, including financial aid for hotels and apartments. FEMA officials have been encouragin­g evacuees to explore those alternate forms of aid.

Raines and Tina Curry, a deputy director at California’s Office of Emergency Services, said the enormity of the Camp fire disaster brings special challenges. More than 13,000 homes were destroyed, eliminatin­g about 90 percent of the housing stock in Paradise and creating an immediate housing shortage “in an area where there already wasn’t a lot of housing,” Curry said.

Butte County officials have said the county’s residentia­l vacancy rate was less than 2 percent before the fire. That translates into available permanent housing for perhaps 1,000 families. County officials expect thousands of Paradise residents to be forced to permanentl­y relocate outside the county because of limited housing stock.

At one point, more than 50,000 people were evacuated and more than 1,300 people were housed in schools, churches and other temporary shelters. It wasn’t clear how many people were still in shelters Wednesday.

Earlier this week, Kevin Hannes, a FEMA team leader, said more than 2,400 families have been deemed eligible for financial assistance to pay for hotels, motels and rentals. “This is a great program for you to get out of the shelters,” he said.

However, just 152 families have so far taken advantage of those programs because space is limited in Butte County. “They want to stay close to home,” Hannes said.

Raines said FEMA might be able to place trailers or manufactur­ed homes on survivors’ existing properties, but only after local authoritie­s determine that water, power and sewage service have been restored. Otherwise, the units would likely be placed on large sites, as close to Paradise as possible. He said 17 sites have been identified for placing large numbers of units, but he wouldn’t identify them until arrangemen­ts are finalized.

“When are people going to be housed? The answer to that is as soon as we can,” Curry said.

Stung by health problems that surfaced when FEMA brought in tens of thousands of defective trailers to the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Katrina, the agency has cut back the use of trailers in recent years.

“There is a de-emphasis on things like trailers,” said Mark Misczak, a former FEMA deputy director and now a private consultant on emergency management. “FEMA was spending large amounts of money to present these (housing) units that may have health concerns . ... That health issue may have been the catalyst for rethinking things.”

 ?? RON T. ENNIS/FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM FILE PHOTOGRAPH ?? FEMA trailers originally intended for use in New Orleans after the Katrina hurricane were on sale at McClain’s RV Superstore in south Fort Worth, Texas, July 14, 2010.
RON T. ENNIS/FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM FILE PHOTOGRAPH FEMA trailers originally intended for use in New Orleans after the Katrina hurricane were on sale at McClain’s RV Superstore in south Fort Worth, Texas, July 14, 2010.

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