Lodi News-Sentinel

Tear gas at the U.S.-Mexico border is a symptom of a deeply dysfunctio­nal system


The scene at the border in San Ysidro, Calif., on Sunday was something no one wanted to see: hundreds of migrants on the Mexican side trying to charge across, with some allegedly throwing things at U.S. agents, who then fired tear gas that enveloped children as well as adults.

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said the response was necessary “to ensure public safety in response to large numbers of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. illegally,” but Democratic National Committee Chairman Tom Perez tweeted, “Shooting tear gas at children is not who we are as Americans.”

The two sides can debate whether there were better tactics for dealing with an unruly crowd striving to breach security barriers. But the situation should never have come to this. The ugly spectacle is a symptom of a U.S. border and asylum system that is deeply dysfunctio­nal. It should prompt Congress and the president to reconsider what they are doing — and what they have failed to do.

The administra­tion and its allies insist that the U.S. has every right to control its borders and that those foreigners who want to come here should do so through legal channels. That sounds reasonable. At the same time, though, the current system makes it virtually impossible for many people to come — and the wait times for those who do qualify are often measured in decades.

Accepting more legal migrants would remove much of the incentive to break the law. But the administra­tion favors legislatio­n that would reduce legal entries by half. It has also sharply reduced the number of refugee admissions. In his final year as president, Barack Obama said the U.S. would take up to 110,000 refugees; next year’s ceiling will be just 30,000.

Thousands of Central Americans have reached Tijuana in their quest to gain asylum in this country, and both U.S. and internatio­nal law guarantee them the right to request sanctuary from persecutio­n. But most have been unable to apply because the U.S. government has not allotted the personnel and funding to process such cases in a timely manner.

As Everard Meade, director of the Trans-Border Institute at the University of San Diego, told United Press Internatio­nal, “The system is broken when you have to wait five years to get a substantiv­e hearing in an asylum case, even when you have all kinds of data that you will face torture or murder if you return to your home country.”

U.S. officials say they can handle no more than 100 applicatio­ns a day at the San Ysidro crossing. That means thousands of asylum seekers could be stuck for months, living in tents and trapped in uncertaint­y. Trump’s deployment of troops to the border carries a price tag of $210 million — money that could have been better spent on civilian personnel to handle asylum claims.

There is also the long-term need in Central America to improve economic growth, political stability and public safety. Washington could take the lead in providing help to foster conditions that would encourage people to stay in their homelands instead of risking death to trek northward. But Trump has threatened a cut in such aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador as punishment for not preventing the caravan.

We have no problem agreeing that foreigners who want to come here should not try to rush across the border without permission. But if the U.S. government wants to prevent such conduct, it should be doing all it can to give them better options.

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