Lodi News-Sentinel

Trump to focus on 5 issues at State of the Union speech

- By Noah Bierman

WASHINGTON — Rarely has the mere scheduling of a State of the Union address shed so much light on the state of the nation, and specifical­ly the relations among the leaders of its government.

President Donald Trump is to deliver the annual address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday night, a week later than initially planned. For the first time, he faces a newly empowered Democratic opposition that is deeply opposed to his hard-line immigratio­n agenda, and primed to investigat­e his administra­tion on a range of issues.

“It’s going to be a speech that’s going to cover a lot of territory, but part of it is going to be unity,” Trump told reporters last week. Aides say he will highlight five issues: immigratio­n, trade, infrastruc­ture, prescripti­on drug pricing and national security.

The speech was delayed amid the longest government shutdown in American history after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rescinded the invitation and agreed to reschedule only when the shuttered agencies were funded and reopened — a blunt reminder to Trump that he now shares power with her and other House Democrats who won a majority in November.

Heightenin­g interest in Trump’s televised address at his midterm, it will be Pelosi looking over his shoulder from the House dais, not a compliant Republican.

Their truce could well be short-lived. The funding agreement that allowed the president to proceed with the address is only temporary. A Feb. 15 deadline looms to pass another government funding bill, amid little indication that he and Democrats are any closer to agreement on the issue that divides them: billions for his border wall.

Trump has threatened to call a national emergency to build the wall, even hinting that he might do so on Tuesday. But such use of executive authority to circumvent Congress’ power of the purse has sparked warnings from Republican­s as well as Democrats of legislativ­e or legal action to counter him.

In a preview of the address under the condition of anonymity, a senior administra­tion official said the theme would be “choosing greatness” and that Trump would “encourage Congress to reject the politics of resistance and retributio­n, and instead adopt a spirit of cooperatio­n and compromise.”

“Together we can break decades of political stalemate,” Trump plans to say, according to an excerpt. “We can bridge old divisions, heal old wounds, build new coalitions, forge new solutions, and unlock the extraordin­ary promise of America’s future. The decision is ours to make.”

The lofty tone echoes language Trump used in his previous two addresses to Congress, rare occasions when the disruptive president has generally followed tradition. Yet it belies Trump’s usual, public comments and tweets that have helped make him one of the most polarizing presidents in modern history.

Despite raw feelings on Capitol Hill and prospects that Trump’s agenda will be hobbled by investigat­ions and 2020 electoral concerns over the next two years, the speech allows Trump an opportunit­y to lay out his policy agenda and make the case directly to the American people in prime time.

Immigratio­n will probably be the most prominent theme, given Trump’s belief that keeping his campaign promise to build the wall is central to his re-election prospects. Two years ago, just after taking office, he said in his address to Congress that he would soon be building “a great, great wall.”

He is no longer demanding 2,000 miles of concrete or bricks across the entire southern border and is requesting billions of dollars from the Treasury rather than Mexico. Democrats have resisted funding what Pelosi calls an “immoral” wall, instead proposing spending money on drones, additional border agents and other law enforcemen­t measures.

Trump’s trade agenda poses a more complex case to make. Despite opposition from many Republican allies, and pain to his farm supporters, he has opened a trade war with China that he insists is close to yielding results in concession­s from Beijing. He has renegotiat­ed the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico; though the new deal is far from the radical overhaul Trump promised, Congress’ approval is uncertain, given that trade always splits both parties.

The president will also call for an infrastruc­ture plan — for the third year in a row. In 2017, he asked Congress for $200 billion toward $1 trillion in combined private and public investment. In 2018, he increased his goal to $1.5 trillion.

The issue from the start has offered Trump his best chance for a bipartisan achievemen­t. Yet his administra­tion has not devoted sustained attention to a spending initiative unpopular with many Republican­s, and some Democrats are skeptical of the administra­tion’s commitment to the government’s contributi­on.

Trump could also seek bipartisan support on part of his health care agenda, after his failed effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act, by shifting his efforts to reducing prescripti­on drug prices.

Since taking office, Trump has repeatedly promised to rein in prices, issuing a blueprint last year that laid out proposals to change the way that Medicare, in particular, purchases drugs and regulates prescripti­on drug plans.

The Department of Health and Human Services has moved to implement some of those ideas. Last week, officials unveiled a proposal to crack down on secretive drug rebates frequently negotiated between drug manufactur­ers and drug plans.

But the administra­tion has shown limited interest in more robust measures, favored by many Democrats, to give Medicare direct authority to negotiate or regulate most drug prices. And drug makers continue to aggressive­ly raise prices; the costs of more than 250 prescripti­on drugs increased this year, according to a Reuters analysis.

In the national security portion of his speech, Trump will cover a variety of goals and policies. The administra­tion has been heavily invested in an effort to oust Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, leading an internatio­nal effort to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido. The standoff is one of several that puts Trump in opposition to Russia, despite his overtures to President Vladimir Putin.

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