Lodi News-Sentinel

American justice unravels

- Steve Hansen is a Lodi writer.

Is the presumptio­n of innocence now being replaced by repetitiou­s rhetoric and nefarious news? Check out the following story:

Recently, a report from a major Southern California newspaper claimed that Supreme

Court Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh was witnessed years ago exposing himself at a college dorm party.

One could also infer from the same story that the FBI was stonewalli­ng an investigat­ion and Republican­s might be leading a possible cover-up.

These claims are certainly beyond belief for most reasonable persons — especially when it’s about a straight-laced guy like Justice Kavanaugh. During his confirmati­on, other questionab­le accusation­s of sexual misconduct also were a asserted, but none could stand up to scrutiny.

So how did this latest salacious story make its way into a Los Angeles newspaper?

The source first appeared in the New York Times. The article was based on a book authored by two of its reporters.

But even more amazing from this tenacious tale was the response by some high profile politician­s. A number of Democrat legislator­s, along with presidenti­al candidates Harris and Warren, called for Kavanaugh’s impeachmen­t. Now here are the facts:

The Times and book authors based their accounts on statements made by one male “classmate”, along with hearsay from others, which originated from the same individual.

The alleged female victim was never interviewe­d. According to her friends, as well as a Sept. 14 NYT correction, she did not recall the incident.

Of course, a number of papers, as well as TV news media capitalizi­ng on the original report, simply ignored the NYT correction.

So why do stories based on innuendo and outright falsehoods seem to continuall­y find their way into our news sources?

Two explanatio­ns come to mind. The first is simply incompeten­ce. But is this possible for reporters, who come from our finest journalism schools?

The second is simply egregious bias on the part of some. Perhaps they’re willing to sweep aside all forms of fairness, judicial objectivit­y and fact-finding in order to promote a specific cause?

In the case of Kavanaugh, there are those who fervently believe (without evidence, of course) that he will overturn the famous 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade, which legalized abortion.

These zealots maintain their selfrighte­ous justificat­ion and apparently stop at nothing in order to promote unfounded personal assumption­s.

What is really distressin­g is the fact that some politician­s supporting “the cause” have held important positions in the legal profession, including a former state attorney general and a former professor at Harvard Law.

If they are willing to accept baseless stories and publicly support the personal destructio­n of a sitting Supreme Court Justice, one has to ask if there is anything more devastatin­g for the future of a fair-minded system?

It can be a thin line that separates us from a totalitari­an approach to justice. Facts and the presumptio­n of innocence mean nothing in these countries.

I hate being overly dramatic, but let’s face the consequenc­es: If leaders with law degrees can condemn others without credible evidence and promote mob mentality in public, I shudder to think how this undaunted and unethical behavior will someday carry over to the American courtroom — that is, if it has not done so already.

Yet most of all, I feel such sadness for the cloud of hatred that has unjustly been placed over this man’s head. But what is worse is the effect on his children and what they must be going through on a daily basis. Is there any human decency left on the part of his opponents?

Since they have blamed this whole episode on an editing error, I suspect the answer is no.

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