Lodi News-Sentinel

Is growth the same as progress?


Editor: Enough is enough. Really? 500 more houses? Isn’t there already too much traffic? Isn’t there already too few classrooms, fire protection, police coverage? Where does it end?

I know the city has some kind of growth ordinance — but really, do we need more? We are in danger of becoming “Anywhere, USA.”

There is already a couple of hundred houses already being built — 500 more? Some will say that it is progress, that it is inevitable. I just don’t see it that way. More growth? Why?



Changing law enforcemen­t

Editor: For the minority of people who think defunding police department­s is a good idea, you deserve what you get when trouble comes your way and you ask for help. Try showing the criminals a poster when they break into your home or threaten your family.

Those people in law enforcemen­t risk their well-being every time they answer a call. They need more flexibilit­y, not less. If choke holds or other means of protection help them do their jobs more safely then great, bring them back. Criminals don’t have those restrictio­ns. The police shouldn’t have to hesitate or second-guess their actions when split-second decisions are required.

Here’s a couple of changes I would like to see. Do you think any of our elected officials will get on board? 1. If you assault a police person for any reason and are convicted minimum jail time is 10 years — no plea bargain, no early release. 2. If you kill a police person for any reason and are convicted, life in prison or death penalty, no exceptions.

The anarchists that are illegally tearing down and vandalizin­g statues, including religious statues, burning buildings including churches, violently demanding the eliminatio­n of freedom of speech, attacking police and otherwise trying to destroy our values, beliefs, and freedoms need to be stopped. If the elected antilaw, liberal, so-called progressiv­e mayors and governors won’t do it then recall them and elect those that want to protect the majority of citizens and who truly love this country.

And lastly, we don’t need to be calling people who hand us a meal at a drive-through or work in grocery stores “heroes.”

Those hard-working folks deserve our appreciati­on and thanks but they are not “heroes.” Calling them that diminishes the meaning of the word to a participat­ion trophy. Most of us know who the real heroes are.


A communist outlook

Editor: I am at a loss for any logical explanatio­n as to why so many people today want to obliterate our history and all references to slavery, other than, so they can replace it with a newer form of slavery called communism!


Where is the science on face masks?

Editor: As the article by RongGong Lin and Maura Dolen note (“Can masks really help against COVID-19? July 15), face masks are a controvers­ial subject. Presumably to support the value of masks, they note the “argument” of a UCSF doctor and her “theory” that a mask reduces the virus. Unfortunat­ely, “arguments” and “theories” do not substitute for science. It would be nice if our medical experts would provide us with solid scientific evidence.

The UCSF doctor goes on to state that masks would be helpful in a school situation for both students and teachers. In the absence of credible research, we are essentiall­y working in the dark on the efficacy of masks. We are also putting citizens at risk if research suggests that masks are not effective and even dangerous, e.g., to those with a breathing condition or those who are overconfid­ent in their exposure.

TIM LONEY Lockeford

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