Lodi News-Sentinel

Compassion for those struggling

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to dearannie@creators.com.

Dear Annie: I am writing in regards to your response to,

“At Wit’s

End.” She had said that her husband “actually looks worse than a homeless person,” and you failed to call her out on it.

This statement is insensitiv­e and full of assumption­s. As a teacher, I have respect and compassion for those who are currently without housing. I see their struggles and admire the dedication of these families in getting their kids to school while trying to piece their lives back together. The kids themselves are often creative, resourcefu­l, charming — and clean.

It is not fair to kick them when they are down. — Concerned Teacher

Dear Concerned Teacher: You are absolutely right, and I very much appreciate your letter. Many families are doing their best under very difficult circumstan­ces, and they need our help, not disparagem­ent. Thank you for pointing this out.

Dear Annie: I am compelled to respond to “Depressed, Heartbroke­n and Missing Him,” as I saw myself in her letter and could easily have written it a few years ago. I thought your advice was spot on. However, while it is not easy, I would have added that she should RUN to the nearest exit and never look back.

I was a young profession­al woman involved with a profession­al guy. We were both active duty Air Force stationed overseas. From all outward appearance­s, we were the couple of the year. Everyone who knew us assumed we would be married and live happily ever after. Nothing could have been farther from the truth.

After three years of enduring emotional abuse, including two proposals accompanie­d by withdrawal­s the next day, I finally woke up. On the third proposal, I told him to hit the road. That was the smartest thing I could ever have done. I wanted more out of life and he was not the one willing to share.

After a time of not trusting any men, I finally met the man of my dreams. Today, I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful sons.

“Depressed,” do not despair. Get out and get out now. Do not hesitate. It is easy to say and a lot harder to do, but believe me, you can do this.

This is not living and it is certainly not love. You deserve so much more. When all is said and done, you will be happier and stronger. Life changed for me. I am confident it will change for you, too. — Been There, Done That

Dear Been There, Done That: Thank you for sharing your story in this letter. I am hopeful that “Depressed, Heartbroke­n and Missing Him” will read your words and know that she is not alone and that, with courage, she can have a better life.

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