Lodi News-Sentinel

Court should be wary of California donor law


On Monday, the Supreme Court grappled with a genuinely tough First Amendment issue: Should California be able to make charities that speak on matters of public concern disclose to the state the names of their big donors? The issue reveals something about the way that conservati­ves and liberals currently differ on free speech issues.

On the one hand, states might need the informatio­n to combat fraud. Moreover, California says that it will keep the informatio­n confidenti­al. The IRS already gets this informatio­n from tax-exempt charities, and has so far done a good job of protecting it.

On the other hand, the Supreme Court has long held that the names of members of civic organizati­ons like the NAACP are confidenti­al, protected by the freedom of associatio­n. It isn’t implausibl­e to think that if the justices uphold the California law, other states might pass laws requiring that donors be made fully public.

When the justices were deciding whether to hear the case, Trump’s Department of Justice filed a friend of the court brief saying it thought the law was unconstitu­tional. This matched the instinct of most legal conservati­ves, who today tend to support a First Amendment that is highly protective of absolute free speech, including protection of anonymity.

The Biden Department of Justice reconsider­ed the issue and took a different stance. In essence, it has recommende­d that the justices split the baby in two. First, its brief says that because the informatio­n won’t be publicly disclosed, the court should evaluate the state’s need less exactingly than it would if the names were being given to the public. If judged by that easier standard (in legal jargon, “exacting scrutiny” instead of the more rigorous “strict scrutiny”), the California law has some chance of being upheld.

Second, the Biden Justice Department brief goes on to say that the court should send the case back to the federal appeals court to determine how much risk there is that the California law might deter donors from giving money to charities. This leaves open the possibilit­y that the law could still be struck down.

Behind this complex argument is the Biden administra­tion’s liberal worry that if the court were to strike down the California law, the decision might call into question the law that commands disclosure of political donations to candidates.

That’s an understand­able worry. But it gets the Biden brief into some deep and dangerous waters.

The Biden administra­tion’s brief insists that there is a difference between a law that burdens free associatio­n directly, which should get the highest level of scrutiny, and a law that only indirectly burdens that associatio­n, which should be evaluated more deferentia­lly.

What’s troubling about this distinctio­n is that it weakens the principle of free associatio­n establishe­d by the Supreme Court in the landmark 1958 case of NAACP v. Alabama. In that case, the court held that Alabama could not require the organizati­on to tell the state’s attorney general who its members were.

Back in the 1950s, the justices didn’t always use the same terms of art that they do today to describe how closely they were evaluating a law. The court didn’t use the words “exacting scrutiny” or “strict scrutiny.” But it did say that Alabama’s reason for demanding the membership list had to be “compelling” — language that prefigures the strict scrutiny test, not the lessrigoro­us exacting scrutiny test.

NAACP v. Alabama was a liberal decision, intended to protect civil rights activists from hostile retaliatio­n at the height of White southern resistance to desegregat­ion. And for decades, liberals believed that preserving the privacy of members of civic organizati­ons was crucial for protecting free associatio­n. Donations to political candidates were a different matter, connected to avoiding corruption in elections.

In recent years, however, liberals have started worrying more about how wealthy conservati­ve donors are affecting public life — not only in elections, but in other contexts like those covered by the California law. That’s led to a liberal rethinking of the right to associatio­nal privacy.

The concern is certainly legitimate. But liberals should not forget that conservati­ves can still use disclosure of donations or membership lists to target liberals. Imagine that the California law was being proposed or implemente­d by conservati­ves. Then liberals would rightly be worried that donors to Black Lives Matter or to trans rights groups would have to be disclosed to the states. Perhaps the California law can be distinguis­hed from the Alabama law on the ground that it won’t necessaril­y lead to retaliatio­n against donors. Regardless, the justices should be careful not to weaken the principle of free associatio­n — including organizati­ons’ right to keep their membership lists private.

Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and host of the podcast “Deep Background.” He is a professor of law at Harvard University and was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter. His books include “The Three Lives of James Madison: Genius, Partisan, Presi

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