Lodi News-Sentinel

Congress poised to repeal Iraq War authorizat­ion

- Tracy Wilkinson

WASHINGTON — Matthew Hoh was a 28-year-old Marine captain assigned to the Pentagon in late 2002, just as then-President George W. Bush was laying the groundwork for war in Iraq. Like many of his generation, Hoh was steeled in his patriotism by the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, and he was eager to serve.

It was widely assumed at the time that the war would be swift and decisive. Hoh worried it would be over before his tour at the Pentagon freed him up to head to combat, and he’d miss his chance.

But the war would drag on another eight years. And 20 years later, it still weighs on Iraqis whose lives were destroyed and a Middle East that remains convulsed, along with Americans shocked at the humanitari­an and moral disaster it became and the balance of power it wrought in Washington.

Now, Congress is poised to remove from the books the law that authorized the Iraq War, a step that would formally end the war.

“Here I am 20 years later and still talking about it today,” Hoh said. He eventually got his turn to serve in Iraq — two tours, in fact, and a third in Afghanista­n as a civilian working for the State Department — and today is part of a campaign to repeal the law known as the Authorizat­ion to Use Military Force.

The law authorized

Bush to eventually send tens of thousands of military service members into Iraq, starting on March 20, 2003. Because the law is still in place, presidents can and have used it to conduct other military operations technicall­y not covered under the authorizat­ion. Normally, under the U.S. system, only Congress can declare war.

The repeal effort is also targeting a similar 1991 authorizat­ion that gave President George H.W. Bush permission to start the Persian Gulf War, which was aimed at ejecting Iraqi invaders from Kuwait. That law is also still on the books.

Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va., a lead proponent of the repeal, said both laws are “outdated and unnecessar­y.”

“Congress has a constituti­onal and moral responsibi­lity to repeal them so that future presidents can’t use these authorizat­ions as a blank check to send service members into harm’s way,” Kaine said after the repeal measure cleared Senate committee hurdles and headed for a vote by the full chamber.

In 2020, then-President Donald Trump used the authorizat­ion to justify the killing of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was in Iraq at the time.

The repeal bill has enjoyed bipartisan support in the Senate and is likely to pass when the vote comes up within the next days.

In the House, however, it’s a different story.

Some hard-right Republican­s in that chamber appear to favor, at least philosophi­cally, returning war powers to Congress. Other GOP House members, however, have argued that a sitting president needs flexibilit­y to counter potential attacks from Iran or other enemies.

It is not yet clear how House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Bakersfiel­d, will herd his members.

“Just because a bill passes in the Senate, doesn’t mean it comes directly to the floor,” McCarthy said last week, stating the obvious while dousing expectatio­ns. Later, during the House Republican­s’ Orlando, Fla., retreat this week, McCarthy signaled support for the repeal but said it would go through the committee process, which could take days or weeks.

 ?? RICK LOOMIS/LOS ANGELES TIMES ?? Members of the 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, Alpha battery hold their ears upon the release of an artillery round from a 155mm howitzer headed toward southern Iraq on March 27, 2003.
RICK LOOMIS/LOS ANGELES TIMES Members of the 1st Battalion, 11th Marines, Alpha battery hold their ears upon the release of an artillery round from a 155mm howitzer headed toward southern Iraq on March 27, 2003.

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