Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

What is Evo Morales’ role in Bolivia now?

Socialist party of the exiled former leader wins in a landslide, but questions remain about his return.

- By Patrick J. McDonnell and Marcelo Padilla Times staff writer McDonnell reported from Mexico City and special correspond­ent Padilla from La Paz.

LA PAZ, Bolivia — As three-term Bolivian President Evo Morales’ political party sought to return to power a year after his resignatio­n, the exiled ex-leader had vowed to return home the “next day” if it won last week’s national election.

Morales’ Movement Toward Socialism party, known as MAS, earned a landslide electoral victory Oct. 18, propelling Morales’ former economic minister, Luis Arce, into the presidency without the need for a runoff vote.

But Morales — still the formal leader of MAS — has yet to set out on his homecoming, and the new government is grappling with how to handle the prospectiv­e return of the iconic 60-yearold, who is beloved by many Bolivians but loathed by others. If, or when, he does return, Morales faces sundry criminal charges, including accusation­s of terrorism stemming from alleged electoral fraud in last year’s balloting — charges he denies.

Morales, who views himself as the ideologica­l heir to Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, the now-deceased former leftist leaders of Cuba and Venezuela, respective­ly, has long been a vociferous critic of U.S. “imperialis­m” in Latin America. When he resigned amid the disputed election, he called his departure, under pressure from the Bolivian military, the result of a U.S.backed, right-wing coup.

The Trump administra­tion celebrated it as a victory for democracy.

But on Wednesday, Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo joined with leftist government­s in Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba in sending congratula­tions to Arce. Pompeo said Washington “looks forward to working with the new, democratic­ally elected government.”

Bolivian electoral officials released final results Friday showing that Arce, now officially the presidente­lect, had garnered more than 55% of the vote. Key to his support was backing from the country’s poor, working-class and Indigenous masses, long the base of MAS.

The majority margin avoided a runoff in which Arce would have faced a united opposition under the banner of former President Carlos Mesa, who finished second with about 29% of the vote. MAS candidates also appeared to have a majority in the Legislativ­e Assembly.

To date, President-elect Arce has tried to sidestep questions about Morales’ possible return, pointedly, if uncomforta­bly, distancing himself from his longtime mentor. Few here can envision Morales being anything but the top guy.

“If Evo Morales wants to help us, he will be very welcome,” Arce told the BBC. “But that does not mean that Morales will be in the government. … I am not Evo Morales.”

Moreover, officials have so far insisted that Morales will have to fight the pending criminal charges — including allegation­s that he sexually molested an underage girl while in office, an accusation that Morales’ representa­tives have dismissed as part of a “dirty war” against him.

“Our brother Evo will be in charge of cleaning up his image from all the defamation he has faced,” Sen. Monica Eva Copa, who leads the MAS contingent in the Senate, told reporters.

The comments appear to ref lect an effort to distance MAS from Morales, a onetime leader of the union representi­ng growers of the coca leaf, the raw ingredient in cocaine.

Morales was elected Bolivia’s first Indigenous president in 2005 and remains a legend of the internatio­nal left. But his legacy here is more mixed. Even many of his defenders were alienated by corruption scandals during his administra­tion and what they perceived as his apparent determinat­ion to be president for life.

In the last year, MAS has presented itself as a reformed body distinct from Morales. In fact, observers say the party was long more heterogene­ous than the Morales-dominated monolith depicted by its foes. A generation of grass-roots activists helped propel MAS to victory this year in both rural and urban areas.

Sunday’s election results “demonstrat­e that the changes of the Movement Toward Socialism have had good results, with new leaders from different perspectiv­es,” said Sergio Choque, president of the MAS delegation in the lower house of the legislatur­e.

Arce, 57, faces a plethora of daunting challenges — chief among them restoring trust in a deeply polarized nation of 11 million and rebuilding an economy ravaged by depressed commodity prices and the COVID-19 pandemic.

He and his allies have vowed to rule in a spirit of national unity, even as rightwing protests against the electoral results f lared last week in the eastern region of Santa Cruz, a bastion of opposition to MAS. Representa­tives of the country’s newly elected leadership have reached out to middleclas­s and other Bolivians long alienated by Morales.

“We will govern without hatred or resentment,” vowed Sebastián Michel, MAS spokesman. “The first thing to do is heal the economy to recover from the crisis.”

For the newly re-empowered MAS, Morales may now represent more of a liability than an asset. Arce, a British-educated banker, is a low-key technocrat whose style is distinct from Morales’ polemical bravura — though Arce has said that Bolivia plans to resume diplomatic ties with Venezuela and Cuba.

During the heated electoral campaign, opposition parties of the right endeavored to make the voting a referendum on Morales, denouncing Arce as a puppet.

“If we are not united, Morales will return,” warned Jeanine Añez, Bolivia’s interim president and an archrival of Morales.

Arce and MAS, in contrast, de-emphasized Morales and cast their campaign as a prelude to the resumption of democratic rule following almost a year of repressive, right-wing leadership under Añez. MAS accused her government of violently stif ling the opposition and the press, also emphasizin­g the economy during the campaign.

Arce promised a return to the good times that had characteri­zed much of Morales’ almost 14 years in power, a period during which high commodity prices and government largesse helped lift multitudes from poverty in what has long been one of Latin America’s poorest and most politicall­y volatile nations. As Morales’ economic wingman, Arce presided over the era of progress. Whether he can duplicate that amid contracted growth, high unemployme­nt and slumping commodity prices remains a question mark.

Morales sought his fourth consecutiv­e presidenti­al mandate last year despite a 2016 plebiscite imposing term limits. Morales went to court in a successful effort to allow him to run, and he was leading in the count in 2019 when the process deteriorat­ed into mass protests, violence and allegation­s of fraud. He said he was leaving the country at the demand of the military, the victim of a coup, a charge echoed by supporters. Others criticized Morales for insisting on running again.

“Evo could have not run last year and left office a hero,” said Jim Shultz, a longtime observer of Bolivia and head of the Democracy Center, a nonprofit advocacy group.

Morales initially f led to Mexico, where he thanked President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for having “saved my life,” before moving on to Buenos Aires. Argentina’s left-wing leadership granted him political asylum.

Arce is to be sworn in next month for a five-year term. Global leaders are expected to be on hand. But many wonder: Will Evo Morales, the onetime llama herder and trumpet player in an itinerant band who revolution­ized Bolivian politics, be among the dignitarie­s in attendance?

 ?? Marcos Brindicci Associated Press ?? EVO MORALES led Bolivia for almost 14 years, a period of relative prosperity, but he was dogged by corruption scandals and an apparent desire to rule for life.
Marcos Brindicci Associated Press EVO MORALES led Bolivia for almost 14 years, a period of relative prosperity, but he was dogged by corruption scandals and an apparent desire to rule for life.

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