Los Angeles Times (Sunday)

It’s time universiti­es stopped taking fossil fuel money to pay for climate research

Why hundreds of scholars are calling on academic labs to reject oil and gas company funding.

- By Ilana Cohen and Michael E. Mann

Last month, more than 500 leading academics, climate experts and university affiliates called for an end to the fossil fuel industry funding university climate research. The reason: Faced with the climate crisis, the academic community must play a leading role in developing a renewable-energy future. Brokering financial partnershi­ps with polluters prevents universiti­es from fulfilling that goal and conducting conflictfr­ee research.

The movement to get large institutio­ns to divest from fossil fuel companies has gained enormous steam. Harvard — the world’s richest university — major philanthro­pic organizati­on the Ford Foundation and the European Union’s biggest pension fund, ABP, all made divestment commitment­s since last fall. Universiti­es in the U.S. and the United Kingdom should build on that momentum and once again take a firm stand against oil and gas companies, which are blocking the transition to clean energy to protect their profits.

To do so, the schools should ban funding from the fossil fuel industry for research in areas where it has a clear financial stake and history of spreading misinforma­tion: climate change as well as environmen­tal and energy science and policy. Despite the wealth of evidence showing that oil and gas drilling is responsibl­e for most of the world’s destructiv­e warming, the fossil fuel industry is ferociousl­y fighting to keep its business model alive. It is lobbying against science-backed climate policy that would reduce the use of oil and gas; spreading misinforma­tion, including climate science denial; and launching marketing campaigns — greenwashi­ng — to suggest its business is based on sustainabi­lity even though it isn’t meaningful­ly reducing planetwarm­ing emissions.

By funding academic research, especially around climate change, the fossil fuel industry diverts attention from these activities and their devastatin­g consequenc­es.

University research partnershi­ps allow these companies to misreprese­nt themselves as supporting the energy transition while actually doing what they can to slow it down.

Fossil fuel money also threatens academic independen­ce. When funding comes from corporatio­ns with a fundamenta­l conflict of interest, skewed research outcomes follow. That has been well documented in other industries including pharmaceut­icals and tobacco. Common safeguards, such as having researcher­s self-report funding sources or having research institutio­ns and publicatio­ns publicly disclose their funding sources, often fail to mitigate the problem.

Yet such research partnershi­ps funded by major oil companies abound. Take Stanford’s Global Climate & Energy Project, sponsored by Exxon Mobil and the world’s largest oil-field services company, Schlumberg­er; and MIT’s Energy Initiative, whose sponsors include Exxon, Chevron, Shell, Eni and ConocoPhil­lips. Cambridge University meanwhile hosts a Schlumberg­er research center.

Just as with divestment, it would be up to universiti­es to decide what form the ban on fossil fuel funding would take. At a minimum, the ban should include funding for climate change, environmen­tal and energy policy research from the world’s top 200 publicly traded coal, oil and gas companies and their subsidiari­es. It should also include companies exploring for further fossil fuel reserves and investing in new fossil fuel supply projects, which ignore the Internatio­nal Energy Agency’s conclusion that we need to wean off fossil fuels to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

And universiti­es should additional­ly reject climate-related research funding from organizati­ons, such as Koch Industries and the Sarah Scaife Foundation, that have funded or otherwise supported climate change denial.

It’s more crucial than ever that universiti­es produce objective climate research and end the conflicts of interest posed by fossil fuel money.

The latest report from the United Nations’ Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change found that a failure to take rapid climate action globally will lead to catastroph­ic climate breakdown. This failure will undermine the possibilit­y of a livable future and disproport­ionately harm the communitie­s of color and poor communitie­s most vulnerable to and least responsibl­e for the climate crisis. Russia’s war on Ukraine has shaken the energy market by disrupting oil and gas imports, showing the instabilit­y of fossil fuels. It’s clear we need rapid, massive investment in renewable energy, and academic research has a vital role in informing this shift.

University administra­tions must also understand the grave disservice they do to the public by taking money that undermines academic independen­ce. Even the mere perception of this independen­ce being compromise­d is enough to threaten the credibilit­y that universiti­es bring to climate discourse. It limits their capacity for institutio­nal climate action.

The funding ban we’re calling for is not unpreceden­ted. Numerous public health and research institutio­ns have rejected tobacco money because of the public health consequenc­es of the industry’s products and its record of spreading disinforma­tion about those effects. The fossil fuel industry is using the same disinforma­tion tactics. How long will it take universiti­es to reject the industry’s attack on higher education’s core values of rigorous research in the public interest?

Defenders of industry-academic partnershi­ps might counter that at least some research proposals from fossil fuel companies are offered in good faith, and cashstrapp­ed academia needs whatever funding it can get. But the industry cannot claim good faith in funding green research at schools while putting just a fraction of its own investment­s into renewable energy. And compromise­d research programs that prop up climate delay and denial are worse for the credibilit­y of universiti­es, and the security of our planet, than no programs at all.

Our universiti­es can’t responsibl­y tackle the climate crisis unless and until they stop taking fossil fuel money for climate and energyrela­ted research. Universiti­es need to lead. This is their moment to choose between a just and sustainabl­e world, or profit-driven fossilfuel­ed devastatio­n.

When funding comes from corporatio­ns with a clear conflict of interest, skewed research outcomes follow, and basic safeguards don’t help.

Ilana Cohen is an organizer with Fossil Fuel Divest Harvard and Cambridge Climate Justice and a coordinato­r of the Fossil Free Research campaign. Michael E. Mann is a professor of atmospheri­c sciences and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University. His latest book is “The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet.”

 ?? Matthew Brown Associated Press ?? A FLARE burns natural gas last year at an oil well in Watford City, N.D.
Matthew Brown Associated Press A FLARE burns natural gas last year at an oil well in Watford City, N.D.

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