Los Angeles Times

Deaf viewers can relate

‘Switched at Birth’ on ABC Family includes several characters who can’t hear.

- Chuck Bamey Bamey writes for the Contra Costa Times and Mcclatchy News Service.

Olivia Stein, a 17-year-old student at California School for the Deaf in Fremont, Calif., can probably count on one hand how many times she has seen someone like herself beaming from a television screen.

It’s no wonder, then, that she has become hooked on “Switched at Birth,” a feelgood family drama pegged, in part, to multiple deaf characters who have brought some prime-time exposure to an underrepre­sented segment of society.

“It allows us to be more involved. We can relate. We’re finally seeing people like us,” she said through a sign-language interprete­r. “And it’s showing the world that deaf people are cool. We rock.”

“Switched at Birth” premiered on ABC Family last summer with a sensationa­listic premise: A couple of teen girls — one of whom is deaf — discover that, due to a hospital error, they wound up with the wrong parents. Now their families, from two different worlds, are struggling to get to know one another.

The show, which resumed its first season recently, became an instant ratings hit for ABC Family. Moreover, it sparked wide interest among the deaf community for its frank and respectful depiction of people with hearing loss.

The teen girl who is deaf, Daphne Vasquez, is played by Katie Leclerc, who in real life has Meniere’s disease, a disorder of the inner ear that can affect hearing and balance. Also among the cast are deaf actors Sean Berdy and Marlee Matlin. The series was created by Lizzy Weiss, who took courses in American Sign Language (ASL) while attending Duke University.

“Switched at Birth” doesn’t focus solely on deafness — the soapy twists and turns cover a wide terrain. But it does explore several pertinent deaf issues, including communicat­ion and societal barriers, speech therapy and the debate over cochlear implants. It also makes extensive use of sign language, subtitles and something very rare in this era of pop-cultural clatter: Moments of utter silence.

Anna Stomacher, a Berkeley native who served as an on-set interprete­r for “Switched at Birth,” calls the show an important step forward because it doesn’t isolate its deaf characters “into a novelty category” or portray them as disabled.

“While Daphne’s life is by no means easy, because of many variables, she is seen as just as bright, capable, insightful and full as any teenager,” she said. “Yet she experience­s the world in a different way and has a wonderful language at her fingertips.”

Leclerc, 25, says that the show is dispersing an important message.

“People tend to be afraid of what they’re unfamiliar with, so communicat­ing (with the deaf) can be somewhat intimidati­ng,” she said. “If we can come into people’s homes and show that it’s not that hard — and that we all have similar struggles — it’s a good thing.”

The actress, who is enjoying her first breakout role in a 10-year career, says that the feedback she has received from viewers is especially gratifying.

“I’ve heard from people who tell me they now have a better understand­ing of a deaf relative,” she said. “Others have said they’re changing their college major to sign language because they want to be an interprete­r. That’s pretty cool.”

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