Los Angeles Times

Speaking on immigratio­n

Villaraigo­sa calls for a system that provides a path to citizenshi­p and focuses on getting rid of ‘real threats.’

- By Richard Simon richard.simon@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigo­sa delivered a high-profile speech in the nation’s capital Monday in support of overhaulin­g immigratio­n laws but sidesteppe­d questions about his future once his mayoral term ends.

“I’m focused on the job I’ve got and want to finish as strong as I can,” he told a National Press Club audience. When asked whether he would serve in the Obama administra­tion after his term ends June 30, he said, “When I’m asked, I’ll answer the question.

“The sun may be setting on my administra­tion, but I’m not riding off into the sunset just yet,” Villaraigo­sa said. He is due to return to Washington at the end of the week for a news conference with other mayors calling for tougher gun laws.

On Monday, Villaraigo­sa called for comprehens­ive immigratio­n legislatio­n that includes a path to citizenshi­p for the 11 million people who are in the United States unlawfully. Illegal immigrants would have to undergo background checks, show English-language skills and American civics knowledge and pay back taxes before they could be processed for legal status under his proposal. The overhaul, he said, should include an effective employment verificati­on system and “smart enforcemen­t.”

“We’ve created an immigratio­n system that is long on enforcemen­t but short on opportunit­y ... a system that happily capitalize­s on the labor of millions of undocument­ed men and women but then refuses to extend them the basic rights and privileges that most of us take for granted,” he said.

“The goal of our immigratio­n enforcemen­t policy should be to remove real threats to our borders and inside our country,” Villaraigo­sa said. “We should deport serious offenders. We should not deport people whose most serious crime is a lack of papers.”

He dismissed the notion that it may be too difficult for Congress to tackle the politicall­y hot issue of immigratio­n as it gears up for fights over gun laws and federal spending.

“Washington should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time,” he said.

Villaraigo­sa said he would be speaking to the U.S. Conference of Mayors soon, seeking its support in pressuring Congress to pass comprehens­ive immigratio­n legislatio­n.

Urging Republican­s to support an overhaul of immigratio­n laws, he brought up GOP presidenti­al nominee Mitt Romney’s poor showing among Latino voters, attributin­g it to the “vitriolic nature of the immigratio­n debate.”

“If the Republican­s don’t go to the center — they continue to be, you know, dominated by the far right — you’re going to see them lose more and more,” he said.

Villaraigo­sa also pitched his immigratio­n-overhaul idea as financiall­y smart.

“This doesn’t just make moral sense, it makes economic sense,” he said. “If we legalize the 11 million undocument­ed immigrants here in the United States, we’d give an infusion to our economy of $1.5 trillion, a shot in the arm over the next decade. The federal government would see $4.5 billion in more tax revenue in just three years.”

Acknowledg­ing the difficulty of the issue, Villaraigo­sa recalled a massive 2006 immigratio­n rally outside Los Angeles City Hall during which “many on my staff said, ‘Don’t go out there; don’t do it; you’ve been in office less than a year; your job is to fix potholes; leave immigratio­n to the feds.’

“But when 1 million people march to your front step, they deserve a welcome,” he said. “No human being is illegal.... We must enshrine this principle into the heart and soul of the country’s immigratio­n policy.”

Kristen Williamson of the Federation for American Immigratio­n Reform said the presentati­on was nothing new: The mayor “merely reiterated the same tired calls for more immigratio­n from the open borders lobby. His plan to extend amnesty to illegal aliens, continue chain migration and invite more unskilled immigratio­n benefits immigrants while harming American workers and underminin­g the rule of law.’’

 ?? Alex Wong Getty Images ?? L.A. MAYOR Antonio Villaraigo­sa signs a baseball after his speech in Washington, D.C. He skirted questions about what he will do after his term ends this year.
Alex Wong Getty Images L.A. MAYOR Antonio Villaraigo­sa signs a baseball after his speech in Washington, D.C. He skirted questions about what he will do after his term ends this year.

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