Los Angeles Times

A lion in L.A.


Re “A single male’s wild nightlife,” Oct. 5

While it’s wonderful to know that the mountain lion known as P-22 is thriving in Griffith Park, I sincerely hope and pray that by exposing him to the public, The Times didn’t increase the chances that someone will try to hunt him down and kill him. There are so many crazies with guns, I hope none of them decide to make this wonderful animal their trophy.

Some things should just be kept quiet.

Bernadette Armstrong

Sherman Oaks

I walk in Franklin Canyon daily, and two people I see there told me that they have seen a cougar in that area, both very early in the morning and at dusk. A friend who lives in Benedict Canyon told me he saw two cougars streak across the hillside behind his house.

So, they are here, and we are not alone.

Jaycie Ingersoll

Beverly Hills

I really enjoyed your article and image of that beautiful cougar P-22. Here’s hoping he continues to live in peace in Griffith Park. After all, anything that hunts and eats raccoons and coyotes can’t be all bad.

Richard Schmittdie­l


We the people are the problem, not Congress.

We blame the tea party, we blame the Republican­s and we blame the Democrats, but it is us, the voters, who elected these people who are in turn failing us.

Apparently, many voters have serious shortterm memory problems because we continuall­y elect these people and then complain that they are obstructio­nists and not doing their jobs.

Let’s remember this shameful time and put a note on our refrigerat­ors carrying this reminder: I will become an informed citizen and vote for people who will put the good of their country ahead of their self-interest.

Michael Pirosh


 ?? Steve Winter National Geog raphic ?? A MOUNTAIN LION known as P-22, a 4-year-old male, is roaming Los Angeles’ Griffith Park area.
Steve Winter National Geog raphic A MOUNTAIN LION known as P-22, a 4-year-old male, is roaming Los Angeles’ Griffith Park area.

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