Los Angeles Times

Citizenshi­p has its privileges

Gov. Brown was correct to veto a bill that would have allowed noncitizen­s to serve on juries.


Should immigrants be allowed to serve on juries? It’s a no-brainer. Of course they should. And they should be allowed to vote, to serve in the Legislatur­e, to become governor. It would be morally wrong and blatantly unconstitu­tional to deny these basic rights and responsibi­lities to people who move here, demonstrat­e proficienc­y in the language and then pass a test showing they have a basic understand­ing of the nation’s history and its justice system. People, in other words, who become naturalize­d. Citizens.

But there is a distinctio­n between the rights and responsibi­lities of citizens and those of legal immigrants who are not citizens. Gov. Jerry Brown understand­s that, and he was absolutely correct to veto a bill Monday that would have extended the right to serve on a jury — or, if you prefer, the burden of serving on a jury — to noncitizen­s. In his veto message, he was blunt.

“Jury service, like voting, is quintessen­tially a prerogativ­e and responsibi­lity of citizenshi­p,” Brown wrote. “This bill would permit lawful permanent residents who are not citizens to serve on a jury. I don’t think that’s right.”

The response of the public to the veto of AB 1401 became a kind of Rorschach test of values and views of citizenshi­p, and of just who immigrants to the United States are. When the bill cleared the Assembly in April, more than a few online headlines asserted, falsely, that it would “let illegal immigrants serve on juries,” demonstrat­ing an inability to distinguis­h between new arrivals who are here legally and those who are not, and, perhaps, a discomfort with immigrants of any sort. Some supporters of the bill argued that the proposed legislatio­n was the natural evolution of laws that over time have eliminated clearly improper restrictio­ns against women, the elderly, African Americans, Asian Americans and other ethnic or racial groups — revealing a view that citizenshi­p can be as much a tool of exclusion as racism and other forms of discrimina­tion. Some arguments in support of the bill failed to differenti­ate between noncitizen immigrants and citizen immigrants — betraying a belief that there is not much difference between them.

But there is. Lawful residents, even permanent ones, are welcome guests. Citizens are the owners and operators of the nation’s government and system of justice. As this page noted when we first opposed this bill, citizenshi­p in this society should be the norm, and if too few lawful permanent residents can become citizens — to serve on juries, vote, run for office and otherwise take their places as co-owners of the nation — it is the nation’s obligation to step up the pace of naturaliza­tion.

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