Los Angeles Times

Holder’s keen interest in shooting tied to a pledge

- By Richard A. Serrano

WASHINGTON — Eric H. Holder Jr.’s planned trip Wednesday to the center of riot-torn Ferguson, Mo., in many ways began 51⁄2 years ago, when he became the nation’s first African American attorney general and pledged to make federal civil rights enforcemen­t a hallmark of his administra­tion.

The police slaying of Michael Brown has presented Holder with what could be the biggest challenge yet to his legacy as the nation’s top civil rights advocate, prompting what many are calling an unpreceden­ted federal investigat­ion into the shooting death of the unarmed black 18-year-old.

In stark contrast to the Justice Department’s usual handling of such cases — in which local government agencies take the lead — Holder appears locked in an odd and unsteady competitio­n with Missouri officials over which of them, if either, will prosecute Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson first.

Justice Department officials say the unusually aggressive federal interventi­on is justified by the continuing violence and apparent mishandlin­g of the case by local officials, who have been criticized for displaying excessive force against protesters and moving too slowly to in-

vestigate the Aug. 9 shooting.

But law enforcemen­t officials and other experts could not recall another instance in which Washington pushed ahead with a federal civil rights case as it has in Ferguson, almost elbowing state officials out of the way.

In the days since Brown was shot on a Ferguson street, the attorney general has repeatedly briefed President Obama, dispatched dozens of FBI agents to interview witnesses and ordered a now-completed federal autopsy, despite two earlier autopsies done at the request of the state and Brown’s family.

Holder has sharply and publicly signaled his mounting frustratio­n with state and local officials, whom he blamed for stoking public unrest by at first refusing to identify the officer and then releasing — against his advice — a video of Brown purportedl­y robbing a market before the shooting.

In the wake of nationally televised images of armored vehicles and military-style weapons being deployed on the streets, Holder publicly warned local law enforcemen­t agencies against “unnecessar­ily extreme displays of force.”

Holder’s visit Wednesday is the latest example that he is taking a strong personal interest in the Ferguson investigat­ion, in contrast to Obama, who has kept a lower profile in the racially charged case.

In an op-ed piece published Tuesday by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Holder characteri­zed the unrest in the community as a “demand for answers about the circumstan­ces of this young man’s death and a broader concern about the state of our criminal justice system.”

Many praise the federal stance, saying a credible criminal investigat­ion will ultimately ease rage in Ferguson, a predominan­tly black community where many protesters fear the local prosecutor­s are determined to exonerate the officer, who is white.

In a sign that Holder’s campaign is gaining traction in the area, a group of African American lawyers held a news conference Tuesday in front of the St. Louis County courthouse, calling on local prosecutor Robert McCulloch to recuse himself. They said the federal investigat­ion should proceed first because McCulloch appears to be “emotionall­y invested in protecting law enforcemen­t.”

Yet with all of Holder’s determinat­ion, the reality is that state prosecutio­ns almost always go first and that a federal civil rights case could be harder to build and win than a state case involving a charge of murder or manslaught­er.

Matthew Miller, a former Justice Department chief spokesman, said Holder’s approach underscore­d his resolve to make civil rights a benchmark of his tenure as the nation’s attorney general.

“You have to understand where this case comes from and what it means to civil rights under Holder,” Miller said. “Go back to the beginning of his tenure, to his confirmati­on hearings. He made one of his key promises that he would restore the credibilit­y of the department’s civil rights division. And he is doing that.”

Department officials acknowledg­e that there is a tremendous amount riding on Holder’s handling of the investigat­ion, and that the more he gets out front publicly, the more he will be expected to deliver criminal charges.

Holder is betting that federal action will quiet the nightly violence, according to one Justice Department official, who spoke anonymousl­y because of the delicacy of the situation in Ferguson and at the department.

“He believes maybe showing the flag will help quell the tension,” the official said. “The attorney general has always been about race, and it happens here that the victim is black and the police officer is white. Yet one wonders how much that is playing a part in his extraordin­ary decision to go ahead with this.”

Another official, also speaking anonymousl­y, said the situation could reach a tipping point where federal criminal charges would be the only way to vindicate Holder’s public comments and show that the federal government is serious.

“He sees a duty to prosecute or look into potential civil rights violations,” the official said. “There’s nothing wrong with that. But once you’re all in, you’re all in.”

Since taking office in 2009, Holder has focused on several changes to correct what he sees as racial imbalances in the American justice system, such as mandatory prison sentences that weigh more heavily on black drug offenders.

He also has ramped up federal oversight of local law enforcemen­t, bringing 33 legal actions against police department­s for policies or practices of abuse, including in Los Angeles and Baltimore. So far 16 cases have yielded rulings or settlement­s resulting in reforms.

But with Ferguson, some question whether Holder is going too far, inserting himself into a matter best handled by local authoritie­s.

“While the federal government can assist with that investigat­ion, the federal government should not assume the state and local government­s’ responsibi­lities,” Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) said this week.

It’s not uncommon for both state and federal agencies to get involved in highprofil­e cases. In the 1991 beating of Rodney King, the state prosecuted four Los Angeles police officers. After they were acquitted, sparking the Los Angeles riots, the federal government prosecuted the officers on civil rights violations, resulting in the conviction of two.

Sometimes the reverse happens.

In the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, the federal government took the lead in the terrorism case. Timothy McVeigh was convicted and later executed. His accomplice, Terry Nichols, was given a life sentence without parole. That prompted Oklahoma officials to try him on state charges, hoping for a death sentence. Instead, he again got life in prison.

A long-standing govern- ment policy calls for federal prosecutor­s not to charge individual­s with the same crimes leveled by state officials. But they can bring charges if the federal government determines it has separate “interests,” such as a violation of someone’s civil rights. In practice, federal agencies usually get involved only after local authoritie­s have proved unwilling or unable to secure conviction­s in high-profile cases.

It remains unclear whether Holder is actually considerin­g putting the federal prosecutio­n first or just trying to keep pressure on local authoritie­s to ensure they conduct a vigorous investigat­ion.

If it’s the latter, the tactic may be working. On Tuesday, county officials said they expected to begin presenting evidence to a local grand jury Wednesday.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais AP ?? ERIC HOLDER will be in Ferguson, Mo., today.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais AP ERIC HOLDER will be in Ferguson, Mo., today.
 ?? City of Ferg uson ?? FERGUSON, MO., Police Officer Darren Wilson, whose shooting of an unarmed young black man has resulted in days of community unrest, is seen in a video of a City Council meeting in February.
City of Ferg uson FERGUSON, MO., Police Officer Darren Wilson, whose shooting of an unarmed young black man has resulted in days of community unrest, is seen in a video of a City Council meeting in February.

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