Los Angeles Times

Too weak on Ukraine

- By John Bolton John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

American and European stock markets have been jumpy for weeks as they contemplat­e possible armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Inside Ukraine, certainly, Kiev’s forces have been pushing back separatist­s supported by Moscow , and they’ve been surprising­ly successful in the eyes of many, perhaps including Moscow, and have thus increased fears of a more direct Russian interventi­on. But while rumors of clashes last week contribute­d to the latest burst of market volatility, evidence of actual hostilitie­s between national armies is scarce.

Ironically, while Western capital markets remain attentive to Ukraine’s future, President Obama seems detached and uninterest­ed. Indeed, the president appears removed not only from Ukraine, but from the chaos across the Middle East. But lazy summer days on Martha’s Vineyard cannot obscure the reality of Russia’s continuing efforts to dominate the independen­t countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union.

The stakes remain extraordin­arily high for the United States, Russia and Europe. Ukraine’s size, potential economic strength and strategic location make it a big prize for Russian President Vladimir Putin, determined as he is to reassert Russia’s “rightful” role on the world stage. Though Putin is hardly prevailing in Ukraine today, his position will significan­tly improve if the West loses its focus, its willpower or both. And that is exactly what’s now happening.

Despite the attention received by Putin’s apparent propaganda gambit of an “aid convoy” for Ukraine, and the speculatio­n about whether the trucks were actually ferrying weapons to the separatist­s, Russia’s Plan A is not to acquire more Ukrainian territory by force. Instead, Putin wants Kiev’s government to be compliant with Russian interests and demands, to not drift too far from Moscow economical­ly or politicall­y.

Despite the subsequent annexation of Crimea, Putin misplayed his hand in November when he caused the basically pro-Russia Viktor Yanukovich government to fall from power, thus necessitat­ing, after considerab­le turmoil, elections that produced a far less submissive government in Kiev. He has been trying to recoup his losses, knowing he has the high cards economical­ly, given Russia’s critical oil and gas sales to Ukraine. Western sanctions have barely altered Putin’s calculus. Instead, Europeans fret about sanctions’ negative effects on their own economies, and last week, Ukraine’s currency fell to a record low against the dollar.

But just because Putin isn’t interested in formally acquiring more territory, it doesn’t mean he isn’t arming, financing and prob- ably directing the pro-Russia separatist­s. His aim is to raise the specter of partition but not to actually precipitat­e it unless, in his view, it becomes the only feasible way to protect Russia’s frontier interests. Putin must know that if he seizes more territory, the rump Ukraine would inevitably join NATO and the EU, remaining implacably hostile to Moscow for the foreseeabl­e future. Instead of annexing half and making an enemy of the rest, he prefers a neutered but whole Ukraine on Russia’s western border. That is what Putin will seek when he meets next week with Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine’s new president.

So why did Putin annex Crimea? It certainly didn’t solve his Ukraine problem, because it altered Ukraine’s electoral balance to Russia’s disadvanta­ge. On the other hand, it was hugely popular in Russia, thus strengthen­ing Putin at home. Unfortunat­ely, the West’s pathetical­ly inadequate response to Crimea’s annexation undoubtedl­y convinced Putin that, if it came to that, he could get away with hiving off more Ukrainian territory, at an acceptably low cost, even if that represents a lessattrac­tive Plan B.

According to White House briefings, Obama has repeatedly upbraided Putin for violating internatio­nal law. Coupled with sporadic, unsystemat­ic, poorly enforced economic sanctions, this may impress Obama’s acolytes, but it has precisely the opposite effect on Putin. He sees American weakness and retreat.

Although the hour is very late, the U.S. still has time to respond unequivoca­lly, staking out a position of strength. Dismemberi­ng Ukraine against its wishes is unacceptab­le. Washington should supply Kiev with weapons and other assistance, while also reviving President George W. Bush’s 2008 plan to fast track Ukraine for NATO membership.

By so doing, the U.S. would eliminate the zone of ambiguity between the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on and Russia that Putin is exploiting, even if Obama’s flaccid leadership has tragically lost Crimea for good. Precisely by establishi­ng the kind of effective deterrence that has convinced Russia not to use military force against NATO since its creation, we can prevent future outbreaks of Russian aggressive­ness, as yet unanswered in today’s crisis, elsewhere along its borders.

And there is more than just Russia to consider. China, making territoria­l claims in the South and East China Seas, nuclear-weapons proliferat­ors like North Korea and Iran, regional troublemak­ers like Venezuela, and terrorists and their state sponsors worldwide all see the same pattern. A weak America does not lead to a more peaceful world, but to exactly the opposite.

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