Los Angeles Times

Sex offender registrati­on


Re “They’re not all predators,” Editorial, March 29

It’s time to apply logic to the registry of those convicted of sex offenses.

In 2013, then-Assemblyma­n Tom Ammiano (D-San Francisco) introduced AB 702, which would define a three-tiered sex offender registrati­on system, ending a lifetime sentence for registrant­s who do not pose current harm to society.

It was estimated that the registry would increase public safety and save about $115 million annually.

As The Times’ editorial board notes, most registered individual­s will not re-offend. But the registry also includes those who pose a current significan­t harm to society. AB 702 would define tier level categoriza­tion using the State-Authorized Risk Assessment Tool for Sex Offenders, which is used to determine the risk an offender poses.

Tiered registries exist in 46 states.

Unfortunat­ely, however, nothing happened to AB702. I would encourage everyone to remove the “one label fits all” system in California and ask our legislator­s to revive AB 702.

Carole Urie

Laguna Beach

When I was about 7, a man exposed himself to me in an undergroun­d tunnel. I ran home terrified. I am now 76 and much more terrified at what is being done to lacerate and destroy the lives of nonviolent sex offenders.

I plead for treatment and for moral and clinical assessment­s, not incarcerat­ion. These people are in bondage to a compulsion.

California’s version of Jessica’s Law, which effectivel­y blocked sex offenders from living in most urban areas, was one of the Draconian laws formed by non-illuminate­d people and the big ticket purveyors of sensation, the media.

Furthering the horror, prosecutor­s are sometimes less than honest, public defenders are overworked, and judges, not immune to pressure from our culture, sometimes make hasty decisions.

And, of course, as Anatole France said long ago, “The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges.”

Gail G. Moore

West Hollywood

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