Los Angeles Times

Coachella and The Times


What a narrow-minded question that Robert Langelier asks [Feedback, April 12]. My husband and I are two such people, who both subscribe to The Times and enjoy going to Coachella and other music festivals; the two are not mutually exclusive, and it is insulting to imply they are. I can’t speak for all the people who take pleasure from both activities, but I can attest to the existence of a signifi cant group of people who are civically engaged, who care about the community and are concerned about the plethora of national and global problems we face, and who also like music and appreciate it as a creative outlet. It is not a huge stretch to imagine they’d enjoy both reading a national paper and attending a festival where they can live simply for a few days and enjoy the art, the performanc­es and the community spirit, is it?

I grew up in the U.K., where festival season is celebrated by the media as an important part of culture, and well-reputed national papers heavily cover the major festivals with supplement­s, features and columns. It also should go without saying that if we are to engage the younger generation in current affairs and community involvemen­t, then publicatio­ns should not ignore their interests as culturally unimportan­t.

Rhiannon Morgan-Jones

Los Angeles

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