Los Angeles Times

U.S. interests are top priority


Re “A Mideast shakeup,” Opinion, May 14

I agree with Andrew J. Bacevich. Who cares if President Obama’s policies annoy an Israeli prime minister or a Saudi monarch?

Some people seem to forget that our president is responsibl­e for protecting and promoting American interests not only in the Middle East but also worldwide. If doing so conflicts with another nation’s agenda, then our president is under no obligation to sacrifice American interests to the interests of a foreign country. Indeed, sacrificin­g American interests to the interest of a foreign country would constitute a derelictio­n of duty.

If the nuclear talks with Iran advance American internatio­nal interests, as I believe that they will, then President Obama has the obligation to work to implement the agreements. All the opponents of the negotiatio­ns have to offer is war.

Arch Miller


Even if Bacevich’s contention that Israel is no longer a “David surrounded by Goliaths” is correct — and it isn’t — the policies he advocates would certainly put Israel back in that position.

And when he tells the U.S. that it no longer needs to turn a blind eye to Saudi support for terrorists, why isn’t he holding the U.S.-Iran relationsh­ip to the same standard? Iran is no less complicit in worldwide Islamic terrorism, but we should help it become the new regional power?

At best, the United States would still be paying too high a price and getting even less in return by empowering a country that has the global spread of terrorism very high on its agenda. Allan Kandel

Los Angeles

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