Los Angeles Times

Roommate expects boyfriend warning

- Send questions to Amy Dickinson by email to askamy@tribune.com or by mail to Ask Amy, Chicago Tribune, TT500, 435N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611.

Dear Amy: I live in a shared apartment with two other women. We are all in our 20s. One of them has a boyfriend and spends a lot of time at his house, so she frequently has him come in when she stops by to pick up clothes.

I don’t know him well, and it makes me uncomforta­ble when she brings him into our home with no warning. Ihave told her this multiple times, but she continues to do it. We will be parting ways at the end of our lease in a few months, but this bothers me and I feel it is inappropri­ate.

Am I out of line in expecting some warning before bringing a guest into the apartment, even if it is only for a few minutes?

Frustrated Roommate

Dear Frustrated: You are out of line in expecting your roommate to give you warning of bringing her friend into your (and her) home for something as benign as picking up her clothes.

It would be quite another matter if she gave him a key and he popped in alone and unannounce­d. But you don’t get to choose the people your roommate associates with, especially if they intersect with your life for brief moments — and always are accompanie­d by her.

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