Los Angeles Times


- By Frank Stewart

“You often write about avoiding hasty play,” a reader writes. “My partner has to be the world’s worst.”

My fan offered today’s deal. His partner, the speed demon, was declarer at four hearts, and West led the king of spades, which looked like just what declarer needed.

“My partner took the ace and cashed the K- Q of trumps,” my fan says. “When East discarded, partner played the rest of the deal as slowly as a nudist trying to get through a barbed- wire fence, but no matter what he did, he had to lose four tricks. If, for instance, he led a spade to his 10 at Trick Four, West would ruff, and the defense would also get a diamond, a club and a spade.”

I suspect many players would have succumbed to the temptation of the opening lead. To make four hearts, South must let the king of spades win.

If West shifts to a trump, South can draw trumps, go to the ace of spades and f inesse with his 10. He wins five trumps, three spades and the two minor- suit aces.

Question: You hold: ♠ Q 10 6 5 ♥ A 10 6 4 2 ♦A 5 ♣ A 9. The dealer, at your right, opens one club. What do you say?

Answer: Many experts would double, risking a diamond response ( the hand isn’t strong enough to double and then bid the hearts) and hoping to locate a f it in either major. I prefer to get the five- card suit mentioned quickly. I would overcall one heart, hoping partner will bid spades if he has length there. West dealer N- S vulnerable

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