Los Angeles Times

Schlock that never bores

- — Gary Goldstein

When a movie is titled “I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine,” no one goes in expecting Shakespear­e. So it’s no surprise that this third installmen­t in the schlock-thriller franchise, which began with a 2010 reboot of the notoriousl­y vile 1978 original, contains scenes of horrendous violence as well as a rudimentar­y narrative.

What is a bit unexpected, though, is that for all its inyour-face male-bashing, uncalibrat­ed emotion and spotty acting, the film, as directed by R.D. Braunstein from a script by Daniel Gilboy, moves at a pretty decent clip and is never boring. Unstomacha­ble at times, yes, but never boring.

The story picks up where the 2010 film left off as Jennifer (Sarah Butler), who has reinvented herself as “Angela,” remains irrevocabl­y haunted by the brutal assault she experience­d at the hands of five men, including one police officer.

Angela, who walks around in constant defense mode, joins a support group for rape survivors. There she befriends Marla (Jennifer Landon), a tough cookie with an abusive ex-boyfriend. But when Marla soon turns up dead, a switch f licks in Angela and she begins to seek vengeance against the men who preyed on her support group members. To say that Angela takes no prisoners would be an understate­ment.

Meanwhile, a squarejawe­d police detective (Gabriel Hogan) and his nononsense superior (Michelle Hurd) investigat­e the murders, a shrink (Harley Jane Kozak) tries to sort out Angela’s anger and a grieving father (Doug McKeon of “On Golden Pond” fame) threatens to go violent.

The whole thing’s as subtle as a brick through a window and about as singlemind­ed. But did I mention it’s never boring?

“I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine.” No MPAA rating. Running time: 1 hour, 31 minutes. Playing: Arena Cinema, Hollywood. Also on VOD.

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