Los Angeles Times

Historic handshake

The two presidents meet in the first such encounter in more than 60 years.

- By Julie Makinen and Sam Lee julie.makinen@latimes.com Times staff writer Makinen reported from Beijing and special correspond­ent Lee from Singapore. Special correspond­ent Ralph Jennings in Taipei contribute­d to this report.

Leaders of longtime rivals China and Taiwan—Xi Jinping, right, and Ma Ying-jeou—meet.

SINGAPORE — Breaking with nearly seven decades of estrangeme­nt, the presidents of mainland China and Taiwan sat down for talks here Saturday, the first such encounter between leaders of the two sides since the Nationalis­t Party lost the Chinese civil war in 1949 and retreated to the island.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou convened at the Shangri-La Hotel, shaking hands and smiling broadly for cameras in front of a bright gold backdrop. The two sides agreed in advance that no deals would be signed during the meeting and no joint statement released.

The two leaders — who in a sign of the delicate protocol were to address each other not as “president” but as “Mr. Xi” and “Mr. Ma” — wore similar dark suits, with Ma sporting a bright blue tie and Xi a red one.

Before holding their closed-door talks, the two men read from prepared statements, with Xi speaking for about three minutes and Ma for seven. Xi called the meeting a “historic day” and referred to Taiwan and mainland China as “brothers who are still connected by our f lesh even if our bones are broken.”

“We are sitting here today to prevent a historic tragedy from happening again and to keep the fruits of peaceful developmen­t between the two sides from being lost,” he said.

Taiwan has had de facto independen­ce for 66 years, and for decades the Nationalis­t-led government in Taipei, the island’s capital, regarded itself as the rightful leader of both Taiwan and mainland China, though in recent years it has dropped that position. These days, opinion surveys in Taiwan show a majority of its 23 million people want to maintain the democratic island’s separate status from the mainland.

Communist leaders in Beijing, meanwhile, continue to regard Taiwan as a breakaway province that must eventually be reunited with the mainland. Underscori­ng that, Xi told Ma, “Both sides belong to one country. ... That fact and legal basis has never changed and will never change.”

Ma in his opening statement asserted that “both sides should respect each other’s values and way of life.” After the closed-door session he met with reporters and said he had expressed the wishes of the Taiwanese people for more latitude to operate in the internatio­nal arena. Because of Beijing’s insistence that Taiwan is part of China, it has used its leverage to keep Taiwan out of numerous internatio­nal organizati­ons, including the United Nations.

Ma also said he had expressed concern to Xi about the deployment of missiles on the mainland side of the strait; Ma said Xi replied that they were not targeting Taiwan.

Later, opposition leaders in Taiwan voiced disappoint­ment that Ma did not speak more forcefully in public.

“After watching the MaXi meeting on the television, I believe that most Taiwanese are as disappoint­ed as I am,” said Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressiv­e Party, who has a comfortabl­e lead over the candidate of Ma’s party heading into Taiwan’s January presidenti­al vote.

“We had hoped that President Ma would speak about Taiwan’s democracy, freedom and ... more importantl­y, that he would mention the freedom of the Taiwanese people to make their own choices,” said Tsai. “However, none of these were mentioned.”

Xi did not hold a news conference after the private meeting, leaving that duty to the mainland’s point man in Taiwan, Zhang Zhijun. China’s state-run CCTV did not carry coverage of Ma’s news conference.

Taiwanese journalist­s attending Zhang’s session expressed frustratio­n that he called only on reporters from “friendly” news outlets, such as Taiwan’s pro-Chinese Want Times and the staterun New China News Agency.

The Xi-Ma meeting — news of which was revealed only four days ago — has sparked disparate reactions. Some observers have labeled it as historic as President Nixon’s 1972 trip to China, which paved the way for Washington and Beijing to restore diplomatic relations.

Others have denounced it as a self-serving ploy by Ma to burnish his legacy and boost his party’s election prospects just two months before the election. Ma cannot seek reelection due to term limits.

Ma has pushed closer relations between Taiwan and the mainland during his two terms in office, opening direct flights across the 100mile Taiwan Strait and signing nearly two dozen economic agreements.

But in the last two years, a backlash against Ma’s mainland policies has developed in Taiwan, particular­ly among younger voters, many of whom say closer cooperatio­n could threaten Taiwan’s democracy and has not brought the promised economic rewards.

Ma in his opening remarks called for reducing cross-strait hostility, expanding exchanges, setting up a hotline, “cooperatin­g to revitalize the Chinese nation” and consolidat­ing the “1992 consensus.”

The 1992 consensus refers, in essence, to an awkward agreement between the Nationalis­ts and Beijing, with both sides acknowledg­ing that there is “one China,” but that each side has its own interpreta­tion of what that means.

“This five-point proposal is not to serve my own selfish ends but to promote the well-being of future generation­s,” Ma said.

In Taipei, about 400 people protesting Ma’s move to meet Xi made speeches Saturday afternoon and waved banners on a barricaded, police-guarded street in front of the economics affairs ministry. Then they marched through central Taipei streets to the presidenti­al office.

Some carried banners that said “Ma Ying-jeou betrays Taiwan” and “Secretive Ma-Xi Meeting, Nationalis­t-Communist Sell-out Taiwan Meeting.”

“Ma is Xi Jinping’s chess piece,” said protester Tai Biyan, 60. “They’re going to use Ma Ying-jeou. There’s no contributi­on to us. You look at China, how big they are; they’re going to take over the world, that’s how powerful they are. You have business being done in secret and the people don’t know what they’re doing.”

Some mainlander­s expressed elation over the tete-a-tete. Gao Yidi, 70, from Fujian province, who was visiting his daughter in Singapore, said he was over the moon.

“I feel so emotional to see the leaders walking together. I never thought I would see it in my lifetime. I have some relatives in Taiwan and they also hope for reunificat­ion. ... We are of the same roots.”

His daughter, Gao Xuehong, 30, echoed those sentiments.

“I feel as emotional as my father,” she said. “It’s a very moving day for us, there is lots of hope and expectatio­n for Chinese people today.”

 ?? Roslan Rahman AFP/Getty Images ??
Roslan Rahman AFP/Getty Images
 ?? Ashley Pon Getty Images ?? DEMONSTRAT­ORS in Taipei protest the meeting. “You have business being done in secret and the people don’t know what they’re doing,” said one. Some called it a self-serving ploy by Taiwan’s lame-duck president.
Ashley Pon Getty Images DEMONSTRAT­ORS in Taipei protest the meeting. “You have business being done in secret and the people don’t know what they’re doing,” said one. Some called it a self-serving ploy by Taiwan’s lame-duck president.

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