Los Angeles Times

High court cases to watch

Justices are set to rule on abortion and other politicall­y charged issues

- By David G. Savage david.savage@latimes.com

WASHINGTON — As the nation heads into a presidenti­al election year, the Supreme Court is set to decide half a dozen politicall­y charged cases in 2016 on such topics as abortion, affirmativ­e action, contracept­ives and immigratio­n.

In several cases, conservati­ves are hoping the high court will shift current law to the right or block President Obama’s policies, while liberals are defending the status quo.

But with justices closely split along ideologica­l lines, the cases are likely to yield a series of 5-4 decisions and make clear the next president’s appointees could tip the law sharply to the right or left.

Here are the major cases scheduled for decision by June.

Abortion: The court will decide whether Texas can enforce two regulation­s that would force about threefourt­hs of the state’s abortion clinics to close.

One measure requires clinics to use only doctors with admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. A second requires abortion facilities to match the standards of an outpatient surgical center.

The first question before the court is whether these regulation­s will protect the health of women — as state lawmakers assert — or hinder reproducti­ve care “by drasticall­y reducing access to safe and legal abortion” in large parts of Texas, as abortion rights advocates contend.

In the background is a larger question about the nature of abortion rights set out in the Roe vs. Wade decision: Is it a constituti­onal right that trumps state regulation­s that may interfere with a woman’s choice, or is it a limited right subject to restrictio­n? The case of Whole Woman’s Health vs. Cole will be argued March 2.

Affirmativ­e action: The court’s conservati­ves think the Constituti­on and the civil rights laws forbid schools and colleges from admitting students based on their race, and they would like to strike down affirmativ­e action policies that favor some applicants over others based on their race or ethnicity.

Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, seen as the swing vote, has agreed with conservati­ves in the past and condemned admissions policies that set “numerical goals indistingu­ishable from quotas.” But he has also refused to end all affirmativ­e action.

In December, the court heard Fisher vs. University of Texas for a second time to decide whether the school’s admissions policy is constituti­onal.

Union fees: The court could deal a severe blow to the union movement in a case from California. The justices will hear a free-speech challenge to pro-union laws in more than 20 states that require all public employees to pay a “fair share fee” to their union, even if they are opposed to the union and refuse to join.

Rebecca Friedrichs, an Orange County teacher, sued the California Teachers Assn., saying the forced fees violate her rights under the 1st Amendment. Friedrichs vs. CTA will be argued Jan. 11.

Voting districts: Voters elect representa­tives to Congress, state legislatur­es and city councils in districts that are drawn to represent equal numbers of people. But that could change.

The court is considerin­g an appeal from Texas that argues these districts should represent roughly equal numbers of eligible voters, rather than using the current system, which counts all people, including children, immigrants and prisoners.

The appeal relies on the “one person, one vote” rule establishe­d in the 1960s. If the justices agree in the case of Evenwel vs. Abbott, the ruling could have a major effect in states such as California, Florida, New York and Illinois because they have large population­s of immigrants.

Contracept­ives: The court will decide its fourth case on Obama’s healthcare law, and the second involving a religious freedom challenge to a regulation that requires employers to include nocost coverage for contracept­ives in their health insurance policies.

Churches are exempt from this requiremen­t. Under a separate accommodat­ion, religious nonprofits, such as Catholic Charities or the University of Notre Dame, need not provide nor pay for the coverage, but they must notify the government of their religious objection.

In a series of lawsuits, Catholic bishops and Protestant colleges contend the accommodat­ion did not go far enough. The Catholic leaders said they would be “complicit in sin” if they made the required notificati­on because doing so would “trigger” a process for providing the disputed contracept­ives.

Obama’s lawyers say the mere signing of a notificati­on does not “substantia­lly burden a person’s exercise of religion,” quoting the 1993 federal law on religious liberty. Nearly all of the U.S. appeals courts rejected the challenges, but the high court agreed to hear seven appeals from religious entities. They were consolidat­ed into a single case, Zubik vs. Burwell, scheduled to be heard in March.

Immigratio­n: The fate of Obama’s broadest effort to shield immigrants from deportatio­n rests with the justices. His lawyers are appealing rulings by a judge in Texas and the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans that blocked Obama’s latest immigratio­n action from taking effect.

It would have shielded as many as 5 million immigrants who have lived in the country illegally for at least five years and have a child who is a citizen or legal resident. Those who come forward and qualify would be offered work permits.

If the justices agree in the next few weeks to hear the case of United States vs. Texas, it will be a major test of the president’s power to change immigratio­n policy without seeking approval from Congress. But if the justices turn down the appeal, Obama’s action will probably remain on hold until he leaves office.

 ?? Eric Gay
Associated Press ?? DEMONSTRAT­ORS in Austin protest new abortion restrictio­ns. The Supreme Court will decide whether Texas can enforce the regulation­s, which would cause many of the state’s abortion clinics to close.
Eric Gay Associated Press DEMONSTRAT­ORS in Austin protest new abortion restrictio­ns. The Supreme Court will decide whether Texas can enforce the regulation­s, which would cause many of the state’s abortion clinics to close.

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