Los Angeles Times

Fault lines in immigratio­n


Re “Deportatio­n push planned for Central Americans,” Dec. 25

Even though violence, crime and intimidati­on in Central America motivate families to flee in fear for their lives, the U.S. plans to find and deport those who have made it to the U.S. but have been ordered by a judge to leave.

The current immigratio­n system is unable to provide adequate due process and legal representa­tion to those unable to navigate the system effectivel­y. Detaining and deporting are unjust solutions to a broken system that disrupts family life and threatens deportees with violence in their homeland.

Your Christmas editorial cites Pope Francis in the “Nice” column for “reminding Americans of the importance of welcoming displaced people.” This is surely more just and humanitari­an than deportatio­n. Lenore Navarro


Los Angeles

Hey, we have to start somewhere.

It certainly makes sense to send back those already ordered to leave. The only question is why it took so long. Plus, the Obama administra­tion is showing that deporting those known to be in the country illegally can be done.

Until we just decide to throw open our borders, we have to do at least this. Kudos to the administra­tion.

Imagine, though, what Donald Trump will do with this news: “I am right again!”

Jeffrey C. Briggs


I am greatly disturbed by plans from the Department of Homeland Security to deport immigrant families from Central America in a series of raids beginning early next year.

President Obama has long said that his administra­tion’s priorities are to deport criminals from this country, many of whom represent threats to national security. In a time of limited resources, it does not make sense that this administra­tion is going after families who are merely fleeing poverty,

crime and political instabilit­y.

The current political climate might not make it possible to justify keeping all families in the U.S., but now is exactly the time when we need a president to stand up for the American values of hope and opportunit­y.

Obama has once again failed on immigratio­n policy, and I hope our next president will not disappoint on this very important issue.

Christian Arana

Van Nuys

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