Los Angeles Times

Anti-Taliban fighter dead at age 12

Wasil Ahmad is seen as both a hero and a tragic reminder in the Afghan conflict.

- By Ali M. Latifi and Abdul Matin Amiri Special correspond­ents Latifi and Amiri reported from Kabul and Kandahar, Afghanista­n, respective­ly.

KANDAHAR, Afghanista­n — Wasil Ahmad learned to fire a gun at age 9 after his father was killed by Taliban militants.

Before long, his uncle said, the boy had become a celebrated Taliban killer, credited with gunning down six insurgents during a battle last summer.

Wasil was waiting Monday at a fruit stand in Tarin Kowt, the capital of southern Afghanista­n’s Oruzgan province, when he was shot dead by two gunmen. His uncle said he was 12 years old.

The boy’s death — in a conflict that began before he was born — has made national headlines and served as a grave reminder that children continue to fight and die on all sides of the enduring hostilitie­s in Afghanista­n.

The United Nations documented 68 cases of children — including three girls — being recruited by government forces or insurgents in 2014. Afghan news media often broadcast video confession­s by reported child bombers recruited by the Taliban. The government signed a 2011 U.N. plan to prevent the recruitmen­t and use of underage fighters, but the practice continues, particular­ly among anti-Taliban militias in remote areas that have government support but are not formally part of Afghan security forces.

Interior Ministry spokesman Sediq Sediqi said via text message Wednesday that the government “doesn’t recruit children.” Wasil’s uncle, Abdul Samad, a police commander in Oruzgan, said in a telephone interview that the boy was not a member of the Afghan Local Police, a U.S.backed government militia, or any other formal fighting force.

Wasil was doing what anyone in his situation would do, Samad said.

“He had to take up arms,” he said. “He was defending his home, his family.”

In Samad’s telling, Wasil picked up an AK-47 rifle after his father was killed three years ago in battle against the Taliban. He said he wanted revenge.

“Teach me how to shoot this,” his uncle said Wasil asked him.

The boy proved a quick study, learning to fire everything from shotguns and pistols to heavy weapons. He even got behind the wheel of a police pickup.

The real test of Wasil’s ability came last summer when the family home in Khas Oruzgan district came under a 71-day Taliban siege.

Wasil single-handedly shot and killed six Taliban fighters in that period, his uncle said. Wasil’s father, in his years fighting the Taliban, killed 13 of its members, Samad said.

“You could circle the globe and you wouldn’t find someone this brave and this courageous at such a young age,” Samad said.

The circumstan­ces of the boy’s death remained murky. Samad said Wasil was carrying a pistol Monday but did not fire a shot. He was shot twice, in the head and the shoulder, Samad said. No group has claimed responsibi­lity for the killing. The Taliban did not respond to questions from The Times.

Officials in Oruzgan and others hailed Wasil as a hero, but some said his story offered yet another example of the price paid by Afghan youths in the more than 14year conflict.

In the first six months of 2015, the U.N. mission in Afghanista­n documented 1,270 casualties among children — 320 deaths and 950 injuries — a 13% increase over the previous year.

“Turning children into warlords is wrong in the first place,” Wazhma Frogh Zulfiqar, a civil society activist in Kabul, said on Twitter.

Patricia Gossman, senior Afghanista­n researcher at Human Rights Watch, said Wednesday that despite a law passed by President Ashraf Ghani’s government last year outlawing people younger than 18 in the armed forces, “children continue to be used in this way by all sides.”

The Taliban even seized on Wasil’s death. A pro-Taliban Twitter account accused the government of hypocrisy and said the “use of child soldiers for fighting and other purposes [is] widespread” among government forces.

The Taliban has long been accused of employing child soldiers. Afghan media frequently broadcast stories of children allegedly recruited by the insurgent group to become suicide bombers. In December, two 12-year-olds in Sar-e-Pul and Faryab provinces turned themselves in to police, saying the Taliban trained them to carry out suicide bombings against local officials.

They were the same age as Wasil, whose family said he was about to start seventh grade.

“Some may call Wasil Ahmad a hero,” Gossman said, “but in fact, it’s a tragedy that a 12-year-old should die in this way.”

 ?? Courtesy of the Ahmad family ?? WASIL AHMAD was killed by gunmen at a fruit stand. The U.N. documented 68 cases of children being recruited to fight on either side in 2014.
Courtesy of the Ahmad family WASIL AHMAD was killed by gunmen at a fruit stand. The U.N. documented 68 cases of children being recruited to fight on either side in 2014.

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