Los Angeles Times

Clinton, Trump gain momentum with wins

Sanders comes close in Missouri and Illinois, but she wins North Carolina, Ohio and Florida handily.

- By Evan Halper and Melanie Mason

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Hillary Clinton won primaries in Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, the night’s most contested prize, as her rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, struggled to get the boost he needed to try to close the gap in the race for the Democratic presidenti­al nomination.

Clinton also won a close contest in Illinois and was holding an extremely small margin in Missouri, with nearly all of the votes counted. With those contests so close, neither candidate will gain a significan­t edge from them in the race for delegates to the Democratic nominating convention this summer. Clinton’s three big victories, by contrast, will give her a major gain.

“We are moving closer to securing the Democratic Party nomination and winning this election in November,” Clinton told supporters here, and she quickly moved to an attack on the Republican she expects to face in that election, Donald Trump, whom she accused of offering “bluster and bigotry.”

“Our next commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it; engage our allies, not alienate them,” she said.

“When we hear a candidate for president call for rounding up 12 million immigrants, barring all Muslims from entering the United States, when he embraces torture, that doesn’t make him strong — it makes him


Clinton barely mentioned Sanders, the independen­t senator from Vermont, except to brief ly congratula­te him for running a “vigorous campaign.”

If Sanders was chastened by the results, he didn’t let it show while speaking to rapturous supporters in Phoenix.

“Do not settle for the status quo when the status quo is broken,” he said in a speech in which he showed no sign of easing up on Clinton. He once again attacked her vote in favor of the war in Iraq and demanded she release the transcript­s of lucrative speeches to Wall Street firms.

Sanders had worked aggressive­ly over the last week to expand a beachhead in the nation’s industrial states after his upset victory in Michigan last week exposed new vulnerabil­ities for Clinton.

That set up Ohio as a key contest, where both candidates campaigned extensivel­y and spent large amounts on television advertisin­g. Clinton’s victory there will go a long way toward solidifyin­g her margin in the delegate race and reassuring her supporters.

Clinton’s victory in North Carolina continued her sweep through the South, where black voters make up a big share of the Democratic electorate. And her decisive win in Florida, where she took nearly twothirds of the vote, will net her a large majority of the state’s 246 delegates to the Democratic convention — the third- largest delegation after California and New York.

The wins mean Clinton will significan­tly expand her already large lead among delegates to this summer’s convention, building a margin of roughly 300 delegates over Sanders, without counting the roughly 400 socalled superdeleg­ates who back her — party leaders and elected officials who automatica­lly get convention votes.

After Tuesday, the math looks increasing­ly daunting for her rival, who now would need a series of very big victories in big states to catch up with Clinton’s growing lead in the delegate race.

That does not, however, mean she has clinched the nomination. Under the Democrats’ rules, which allocate delegates proportion­ately to each candidate’s vote, Clinton probably won’t be able to do that until the primary season ends in California in June.

In the Michigan upset last week, frustratio­n among Midwestern Democrats with some of the free- trade policies Clinton has backed over the years, as well as with the Wall Street institutio­ns whose recklessne­ss helped push the nation into recession in 2007, emerged as a significan­t liability for the former secretary of State.

That anger shaped the campaigns in the three Midwestern states. Polls had indicated that all three could have close contests, and after the big miss by pollsters in Michigan, all of whom predicted a Clinton victory, both campaigns were wary of prediction­s.

Sanders’ attacks on corporate America, particular­ly on trade, clearly connected with many voters.

“I believe in his change,” said Sanders supporter Mark Russell, 59, who stopped to vote in the Clintonvil­le neighborho­od of Columbus, near Ohio State University, on his way to work at Goodwill Industries.

“I believe that right now we’re run by corporatio­ns,” he said. “It’s not an even playing f ield, and it counts against us. I believe that he can do something about that. He’s the only one that’s really talking in that direction.”

Yet Sanders’ effort to translate that sort of sentiment into votes came up short this time.

Clinton continues to do well with voters like Tampa resident Zachary Hines, 26, who value her years of preparatio­n.

“She’s the most prepared and experience­d candidate to run for president in modern history,” said Hines, who works as a marketing director for a theater company. “I’m very excited to vote for the first woman president.”

Exit polls suggested voters were more confident in Clinton’s agenda, with 77% in Ohio saying her policies were realistic, as opposed to 58% saying the same about Sanders’ proposals. The divide was even bigger in Florida, where only 46% of voters expressed conf idence that the Sanders agenda was realistic, according to exit polling conducted for the major television networks and the Associated Press.

Female voters came out in force for Clinton on Tuesday. She won 67% of them in Florida and 58% of them in Ohio, according to the exit poll. She also dominated with nonwhite voters in both states, winning 73% of them in Florida and 63% in Ohio. Seniors supported her by a margin of nearly 4 to 1 in both states.

Clinton had been eager to avenge a Michigan loss that some operatives attributed to poor strategic decisions and resource deployment by a campaign that had grown complacent after public polls that proved wildly misleading.

To ensure she did not repeat that defeat, Clinton redoubled her focus on the Midwest.

The former secretary of State, who has locked up almost every major national union endorsemen­t, mobilized her labor supporters and stepped up her opposition to the Trans Pacific Partnershi­p, the trade deal negotiated by President Obama that is reviled by unions.

She boasted of having voted for the bailout bill that in part saved U. S. car companies from collapse, and vigorously defended herself against Sanders’ attacks.

“We have like less than 5% of the world’s population,” she said Monday at a town hall hosted by MSNBC in Springfiel­d, Ill. “We have to trade with the other 95%. His position is so ‘ anti.’ He is against things before they are even f inished, before they are read,” she added. “He just is reflexivel­y against anything that has any internatio­nal implicatio­n.”

Earlier that day, Clinton expressed outrage that a heavily subsidized Nabisco factory in the Chicago area was in the process of laying off workers and moving jobs out of state. She scolded Nabisco for not working harder to keep the plant intact, and she said f irms like Nabisco that get tax breaks and then leave anyway “should have to pay that money back.”

The funds should “be used to reinvest in the community and the workers,” she said.

In the process of winning over Democrats in the Rust Belt, Clinton began to sound a lot like her more progressiv­e rival — so much so that activists who often agree with him declared victory Tuesday night.

“Hillary Clinton won Ohio and had a Super Tuesday by riding the economic populist tide instead of fighting it,” said a statement from Adam Green, cofounder of the Progressiv­e Change Campaign Committee. “That was almost unimaginab­le a year ago.”

“The primary continues — but no matter who wins, the center of gravity has fundamenta­lly shifted in the Democratic Party,” Green wrote.

But Sanders is not going away. His impressive fundraisin­g machine continues to churn, and there is every indication it will do so until every state has voted. Even as winning the nomination becomes increasing­ly unlikely, the Vermonter will be there to push Clinton left- ward.

Sanders put considerab­le energy over the last week into criticizin­g Clinton over her centrist record, warning voters that she only recently had adopted some of the progressiv­e economic positions he has embraced his entire career. Clinton can expect a continuati­on of Sanders’ attacks on the millions of dollars in speaking fees and campaign contributi­ons that she and the super PAC supporting her have accepted from Wall Street firms.

“She’s now on my side on many issues,” Sanders said Monday night at a separate MSNBC town hall at Ohio State. “But the question is, where were you when it mattered?”

 ?? Lynne Sladky Associated Press ?? “OUR NEXT commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it; engage our allies, not alienate them,” Hillary Clinton said.
Lynne Sladky Associated Press “OUR NEXT commander in chief has to be able to defend our country, not embarrass it; engage our allies, not alienate them,” Hillary Clinton said.
 ?? Win McNamee Getty I mages ?? AFTER ANOTHER winning election night, Donald Trump bemoaned the miseries of running for president: “Lies, deceit, viciousnes­s. Disgusting reporters.”
Win McNamee Getty I mages AFTER ANOTHER winning election night, Donald Trump bemoaned the miseries of running for president: “Lies, deceit, viciousnes­s. Disgusting reporters.”
 ?? Ralph Freso Getty I mages ?? “DO NOT SETTLE for the status quo when the status quo is broken,” Bernie Sanders urged supporters in Phoenix. The delegate math may be daunting for him, but he might hold off a Clinton victory until June.
Ralph Freso Getty I mages “DO NOT SETTLE for the status quo when the status quo is broken,” Bernie Sanders urged supporters in Phoenix. The delegate math may be daunting for him, but he might hold off a Clinton victory until June.
 ?? Lynne Sladky Associated Press ?? CLINTON BACKERS in West Palm Beach. Exit polls showed her getting 67% of Florida’s female vote.
Lynne Sladky Associated Press CLINTON BACKERS in West Palm Beach. Exit polls showed her getting 67% of Florida’s female vote.

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