Los Angeles Times

Computer beats man in final Seoul matchup

‘ I will practice harder,’ top- ranked Go player says tearfully as the program’s developers celebrate win

- By Steven Borowiec Borowiec is a special correspond­ent.

SEOUL — A computer program ended its f ivegame match against the world’s top- ranked Go player with another win Tuesday, sealing a landmark achievemen­t for artificial intelligen­ce.

The intricate game of skill had long stumped computers. The match was “the most mind- blowing game experience we’ve had so far,” Demis Hassabis, cofounder of Google DeepMind, the makers of the AlphaGo program, said at a postgame news conference.

Tuesday’s contest was the closest of the five games played over the last week, the only one decided by counting points, rather than ending in resignatio­n by AlphaGo or opponent Go grandmaste­r Lee Sedol.

Lee and AlphaGo played f ive games in seven days, starting on March 9. AlphaGo won the f irst three games handily; Lee turned the tide Sunday and scored his only win.

In Tuesday’s game, AlphaGo made an early error, which Lee attempted to capitalize on, but ultimately the Google program fought back and gained control.

Immediatel­y after the game, Lee looked sad and exhausted, wiping tears from his eyes before leaving his seat for the final time. He was apologetic after the game, saying, “I regret that I wasn’t able to achieve a winning result today.

“I will practice harder to prove that I can do better,” he told the room of applauding journalist­s and spectators.

Throughout the week, Lee’s performanc­es have been closely watched in his native South Korea and abroad, both by Go enthusiast­s and observers who saw him as representi­ng humankind in the battle of man versus machine. He shouldered all responsibi­lity for having come up short, saying, “This loss is a loss for Lee Sedol, not for humankind.”

The match was held to determine whether AlphaGo could become the f irst program to beat a topranked player of Go, a complex and intuitive game. DeepMind designed AlphaGo with deep neural networks and a tree search function, then trained the program to recognize the most advantageo­us Go moves by exposing it to thousands of games and playing against itself.

Hassabis mentioned that in more than one instance over this week’s match, Lee made moves that AlphaGo struggled to respond to, and that those shortcomin­gs would be analyzed for insight into how to improve the program.

“AlphaGo demonstrat­ed this week that it is not only a machine that thinks, but one that can learn and strategize,” said Howard Yu, professor of strategic management and innovation at the Internatio­nal Institute for Management Developmen­t in Switzerlan­d.

“In this regard, it is the most momentous milestone in the field of AI [ artificial intelligen­ce] since Deep Blue,” Yu added, referring to an IBM program that beat chess grandmaste­r Garry Kasparov in 1997, the first to win a match against a top player.

But Deep Blue was built solely for the purpose of playing chess and was dismantled after its victory.

DeepMind’s designers hope that their program’s historic victory heralds the beginning of its life, not the end, and that the software’s power can now be directed toward more practical uses.

Hassabis said AlphaGo “can be used to address all sorts of real world problems.” But while he pointed to robotics, healthcare and smartphone technology as areas of interest, Hassabis declined to offer specifics on how DeepMind would look to apply AlphaGo. “We’re still in the early days of developmen­t,” he said. “But we believe we have a powerful tool that will help human experts achieve more.”

 ?? Lee Ji n- man Associated Press ?? SOUTH KOREAN Go player Lee Sedol after f inishing his f inal match against an artif icial intelligen­ce program called AlphaGo. Lee won the fourth game of a f ive- game series, but the computer program won the rest.
Lee Ji n- man Associated Press SOUTH KOREAN Go player Lee Sedol after f inishing his f inal match against an artif icial intelligen­ce program called AlphaGo. Lee won the fourth game of a f ive- game series, but the computer program won the rest.
 ?? Ahn Young- j oon
Associated Press ?? SCHOOLCHIL­DREN sitting with Go game boards watch the Go match on a smartphone in Seoul. Tuesday’s contest was the closest of the f ive games.
Ahn Young- j oon Associated Press SCHOOLCHIL­DREN sitting with Go game boards watch the Go match on a smartphone in Seoul. Tuesday’s contest was the closest of the f ive games.

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