Los Angeles Times

Trump’s idiosyncra­tic team

His foreign policy advisors, like the candidate, elicit strong reactions

- By Kurtis Lee kurtis.lee@latimes.com

As his campaign navigates a tough stretch, Donald Trump has adopted some of the trappings of a more traditiona­l presidenti­al candidate: meeting with Republican Party officials, adding staff, even announcing a cadre of foreign policy advisors rather than taking the go-it-alone approach he had favored when it came to issues abroad.

But as ever with Trump, even such straightfo­rward political acts are not without controvers­y. The advisors he has enlisted appear to have spent little to no time as policymake­rs, and of those who have served in the military, few have toplevel experience. One has been condemned by Muslim rights groups and another was investigat­ed while working as the Pentagon’s inspector general.

Trump has defended his choices, saying that most so-called experts have done more harm than good.

“The experts are terrible,” he said. “Look at the mess we’re in with all these experts that we have. Look at the mess. Look at the Middle East. If our presidents and our politician­s went on vacation for 365 days a year and went to the beach, we’d be in much better shape right now in the Middle East.”

So who are some of the people Trump is listening to instead? Here’s a glance:

Keith Kellogg

Kellogg served for nearly three decades in the Army until his retirement in 2003. Since then, he has served on a number of boards, including at GTSI, which primarily provides computer software to government agencies.

From 2005 until 2009, he was an executive vice president at CACI Internatio­nal, a Virginia-based intelligen­ce consulting firm that was embroiled in the Abu Ghraib prison scandal before he arrived. Kellogg had little to do with the company’s cleanup; he was primarily focused on research and tech systems. A lawsuit brought by prisoners against the firm was eventually dismissed.

Carter Page

Page, an investment firm managing partner, wrote a bizarre blog post last year, ostensibly about U.S.-Russia relations. He compared the U.S. to slaveholde­rs and cited the Kanye West track “New Slaves.” In the song, West notes that after consistent mistreatme­nt, slaves were bound to eventually “wild out,” and Page wrote that other countries would similarly go rogue should the U.S. continue to act as the world’s policeman.

George Papadopoul­os

Papadopoul­os served as a policy and economic advisor to Ben Carson, who notably struggled with domestic and foreign policy issues during his failed presidenti­al run. Before that, Papadopoul­os was a consultant at a Londonbase­d oil and gas company. He’s a director at the London Center of Internatio­nal Law Practice. In its mission statement, the group views global issues with a “promotion of peace,” which falls into accord with Trump’s noninterve­ntionist approach. He graduated from DePaul University in 2009.

Walid Phares

Phares, who served as a foreign policy aide to Mitt Romney in 2012, is perhaps the most controvers­ial of Trump’s advisors. He was the subject of a 2011 Mother Jones story that said he had ties to a right-wing Lebanese militia accused of committing war crimes against Muslims during that country’s 15-year civil war. Phares did not respond to requests for comment about the story. Officials at the Council on AmericanIs­lamic Relations have condemned Phares — like Trump — for his comments about Muslims. Phares is a professor at the National Defense University in Washington and a regular on Fox News. He tried to tamp down Trump’s calls to reinstate the torture of terrorism suspects after the bombings in Brussels.

“Mr. Trump, because we are in a political season, he’s making those statements, but when he will come to the White House … then he’s going be tasking experts to answer that question, and I’m not sure that the experts are going to recommend any form of torture,” Phares said on NPR.

Joseph Schmitz

Schmitz had a rocky tenure as the Pentagon’s inspector general from 2002 until 2005, during the runup to and the early years of the Iraq war. Schmitz is alleged to have “slowed or blocked investigat­ions of senior Bush administra­tion officials, spent taxpayer money on pet projects and accepted gifts that may have violated ethics guidelines,” according to a Los Angeles Times investigat­ion in 2005. Amid the allegation­s, Schmitz resigned and took a position with the parent company of notorious defense contractor Blackwater.

Gary Harrell

Harrell oversaw combat missions in Iraq and Afghanista­n as part of his three decades in the Army. He retired in 2008 as deputy commanding general for the Army Special Operations Command.

Chuck Kubic

Kubic served for nearly 30 years in the Navy, including helping rebuild schools and hospitals in Iraq as commander of the Naval Constructi­on Division.

“I’ve been up here since the early days of the war, and every day, every week the country returns to normal,” he told CNN in 2004 as he praised U.S. efforts to rebuild the country, a comment that predated the bloodiest years of sectarian violence in Iraq during the war and the consistent failure of U.S. rebuilding efforts.

Kubic now owns his own engineerin­g firm, which has consulted with the U.S. government on diplomatic facilities in Kabul, Afghanista­n; Karachi, Pakistan; and Bangkok, Thailand.

Bert Mizusawa

Mizusawa has the most decorated military career of Trump’s advisors. He was awarded a Silver Star, the third-highest military decoration, for his service during the Korean War. He ferried a Soviet defector to safety while under fire from 30 North Korean soldiers, according to the Pentagon.

“He personally led the defector to safety while under fire and deliberate­ly, at great risk to himself, exposed himself to the enemy in front of his own troops,” the Pentagon said.

In 2010, he ran in a GOP primary for a congressio­nal seat in Virginia. He lost the five-way primary.

 ?? Carter Page
Bloomberg ?? CARTER PAGE wrote a bizarre blog post last year, ostensibly about U.S.-Russia relations. He compared the U.S. to slaveholde­rs and cited Kanye West lyrics.
Carter Page Bloomberg CARTER PAGE wrote a bizarre blog post last year, ostensibly about U.S.-Russia relations. He compared the U.S. to slaveholde­rs and cited Kanye West lyrics.
 ??  ?? Walid Phares, a professor and Fox News regular.
Walid Phares, a professor and Fox News regular.
 ??  ?? George Papadopoul­os was a Ben Carson aide.
George Papadopoul­os was a Ben Carson aide.
 ??  ?? Keith Kellogg was in the Army for nearly 30 years.
Keith Kellogg was in the Army for nearly 30 years.

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