Los Angeles Times

DEA should get real on pot

- Nder the federal

UControlle­d Substances Act, marijuana is classified as a schedule 1 drug, which means it has no medicinal value and is highly addictive. But the Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion is, once again, considerin­g moving it to a less restrictiv­e category that better reflects both its danger and the undeniable facts on the ground — that nearly half the states in the nation allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes, and several allow it to be used recreation­ally. The DEA told lawmakers that it intends to make a decision by July.

The schedule 1 designatio­n for marijuana has been a ludicrousl­y restrictiv­e classifica­tion since it was imposed in 1970, lumping cannabis in with heroin and LSD. The DEA has twice considered and rejected requests to reclassify the drug over the last two decades. The last time was in 2011. Frankly, a change is long overdue.

The DEA’s reluctance in the past to reclassify the drug has hindered research that could shed light on the uses (or dangers) of marijuana as a medicine, and could help guide smarter marijuana policies in general. Because it is a Schedule 1 drug, researcher­s interested in studying its health effects have faced bureaucrat­ic hurdles and strict controls, including limited legal access to the drug. Last year, just eight researcher­s received marijuana for medical study from the one government-sanctioned cannabis farm in the country. So, the federal government has effectivel­y suppressed research on marijuana, and then authoritie­s argue there are not enough long-term studies of the medicinal value and health risks of marijuana use to justify reclassify­ing it.

The lack of research hasn’t stopped 23 states from allowing the use of the drug for pain relief and other medical purposes. But it has denied doctors and patients important informatio­n about the risks or benefits.

Nor has the Schedule 1 classifica­tion stopped voters in four states from legalizing marijuana for adult use. Yet the DEA still treats marijuana as if it’s as addictive as heroin and more dangerous than cocaine and methamphet­amine, which are listed as schedule 2 drugs.

It’s heartening that the federal government is reconsider­ing this misguided policy. The easiest, most sensible move would be for the DEA to reclassify marijuana so that it’s treated as a prescripti­on drug, complete with Food and Drug Administra­tion oversight. The harder, but inevitable question as more states consider legalizing recreation­al use is whether federal authoritie­s and lawmakers should remove cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act altogether so states can choose whether to regulate marijuana for adult consumptio­n without running afoul of federal law.

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