Los Angeles Times

Superheroe­s fall to earth

‘Batman v Superman’s’ second weekend box-office drop may be a troubling sign

- By Steven Zeitchik steve.zeitchik @latimes.com

Few box-office indicators are more confoundin­g than the second-weekend drop.

On the one hand, the drop — the percentage of box-office dollars by which a release falls after release — connotes that a film is neither good enough nor has a fan base deep enough to sustain itself beyond a strong opening.

On the other hand, to have a big second-weekend drop you usually need a big opening in the first place. So it can’t be all bad.

In its sophomore weekend, Zack Snyder’s “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” suffered just such a drop, falling from its stellar $166-million opening to $52 million at the domestic box office. That’s a plummet of 68.4%.

Sound rough? It is. That percentage represents the eighth-largest drop in history for films that took in at least $50 million in their opening weekends. It’s a greater drop, by more than five percentage points, than “Transforme­rs: Age of Extinction” and “Spider-Man 3.” And those movies cratered.

Audiences stay away from a film in its second weekend for all sorts of reasons. But broadly speaking, big drops come in two categories.

The first is for a movie that featured such pent-up demand — offered so many reasons for people to run out and see it — that it pretty much spent all its currency on opening weekend. Many of the people who were realistica­lly going to see it already saw it.

They could do this thanks to a number of factors: because it’s a hotly anticipate­d sequel, because it has strong pre-release awareness due to its brand, because the opening is such an event no one wants to be left out. That pretty much is what happened with “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,” which combined all three.

In the summer of 2011, the anticipati­on was so great for the final film in the Potter series — fans had, in a sense, spent a decade waiting for that moment — that it drew a whopping $169 million its first weekend.

Then there were few people left to see it, and it took in just $47 million its second weekend, a dip of 72%. (This also happened to “Fifty Shades of Grey” and, to a lesser extent, with several movies in the “Twilight” series.) So many people were champing to see the film that the first weekend’s numbers were massive — and the second weekend’s inevitably much smaller.

Word of mouth

The second category is when filmgoers hear about the movie from first-weekend early-adopters and decide it’s not worth seeing. Example par excellence of this: “X-Men: The Last Stand,” which after garnering $102 million on its opening weekend in May 2006 took a dive of nearly 67%, to $34 million, the following weekend. This was not an instance of a major “Harry Potter”-like event movie that had little new territory to mine. It’s a case of a potentiall­y solid-sized secondweek­end audience shriveling up because of lackluster word-of-mouth.

The question, then, is which category “Batman v Superman” falls into.

On the one hand, the film’s opening was an event — the meeting of major characters on the screen for the first time, the months of buzzy speculatio­n, the chance to see actors such as Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg as iconic superheroe­s/supervilla­ins.

On the other hand, the word of mouth was, in fact, also weak. Really weak. Critics disdained the film — a 29% score on Rotten Tomatoes — and fans gave it a “B” CinemaScor­e.

Lest you think a B sounds decent, like a B in AP chemistry, it isn’t. Superhero movies, even bad ones, frequently tend to go in the A/ A-minus range. When you get a B from hard-core fans who turned out to see it the first weekend, you’re not in good shape. Two of the previous superhero films to garner Bs were “Green Lantern” and “Catwoman.” You see the problem.

So which camp is “BvS” in? One reason to think it’s in the latter category — that of the poor word-of-mouth socking it to a new film — is that typically some of the biggest drops tend to happen in the summer moviegoing season, when a major new release comes along the following week to bump it off. Even “Deathly Hallows 2” faced competitio­n the following weekend, from “Captain America: The First Avenger.”

But that doesn’t tend to happen in this early-spring period, and it didn’t happen to “BvS,” which faced no legitimate new competitio­n last weekend.

Put another way, some wide-release summer movies are understand­ably going to get knocked down the next weekend because of all the competitio­n moving in. (See under: “The Dark Knight Rises,” which suffered a drop of more than 60%).

DC’s future

Even “Man of Steel,” Snyder’s previous Superman entry, could chalk up some of its second-weekend drop to this factor. The film is being cited as a defense of sorts for “BvS” — “Superman” fans all come out opening weekend, the argument goes, as evidenced by “Man of Steel’s” drop of more than 64%. But “Man of Steel” had to deal with the openings of “World War Z” and “Monsters University” in its second weekend. “BvS” had to deal with nothing much at all.

Studio accountant­s will not shed too many tears over the numbers for “BvS.” The film stands at more than $270 million domestical­ly and has taken in an additional $434 million overseas. But if “BvS” indeed endured a drop over the weekend because audiences were turned off, it raises some red f lags for future Warner Bros./ DC Comics installmen­ts. The studio has bet big on the DC shared universe, with “Suicide Squad,” “Wonder Woman” and “Justice League” all set to roll out in the coming years. If audiences are tired, or less enamored, it could be hard to bring them back.

Big drops have become more common in wide-release Hollywood. As marketing has taken on an evergreate­r importance, box office returns tend to become frontloade­d. But when less than one-third the number of people turn out on just the second weekend, it’s troubling even by these new standards.

The counterexa­mple to the big opening/wide drop is “My Big Fat Greek Wedding.” In 2002, the film was the epitome of the slow-burn hit. Even when it expanded to more than 1,000 screens, it was suffering just small drops from weekend to weekend — and, in some weekends, actually went up.

It seems fitting that “Batman v Superman” has opened against “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2.” Though the Nia Vardalos comedy sequel is hardly showing the kind of sustained momentum of its predecesso­r — and its numbers are proportion­ally much smaller than the big-budget “BvS” — the film is holding its own. Thanks to solid word-of-mouth, it dropped just 38% from its first weekend. A movie such as “Batman v Superman” lost much of its audience a week after it was released. But it doesn’t have to be that way —not when a lot of people like your movie, anyway.

 ?? Clay Enos ?? LOIS LANE (Amy Adams) and Superman (Henry Cavill) star in “Batman v Superman,” which started strong, then stumbled.
Clay Enos LOIS LANE (Amy Adams) and Superman (Henry Cavill) star in “Batman v Superman,” which started strong, then stumbled.

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